26 May 2023
It was lovely to meet some of you this week in school and thank you for your feedback. I will post my presentation on the school website this week.
Please can I remind parents that the first port of call for enquiries should be the Heads of Year as they have the holistic information regarding your children. They are also teachers in school, however, so please allow up to 48 hours for a response. I hope the children have a safe and restful break. There is a link here to the Lancashire fire and Rescue water safety website for those who, like me, enjoy the open water at this time of the year but want to do so safely.
All years
FSM: Free school meals vouchers have been issued for the May half term, there is 1 voucher for each qualifying student, worth £15. You should receive this today, it will come direct from Edenred, please check your spam and junk folders before contacting school.
Trips Day: Please see link here for updated information relating to our end of term trips on Tuesday 18th July.
Teen Book Club - Cheap Books! Our new Scholastic Book Club is up and running! Go to https://schools.scholastic.co.uk/walton-le-dale/digital-book-club to browse the latest books and order online. For every £1 you spend on this month’s Book Club, our school will earn 20p in Scholastic Rewards. Please place your order online by Friday 9th June.
Years 8-11
Engineering Courses: Please see email from Miss Minton, our Careers Co-ordinaor regarding funded Engineering courses for the summer.
Year 09
Preston College: This is a requirement for all year 9 students to attend the taster day, which will take place on Tuesday 27th June - please give consent on parentpay.
Year 10
Runshaw College: This is a requirement for all year 10 students to attend the taster day, which will take place on Tuesday 20th June - please give consent on parentpay.
Work Experience: Please see message from Miss Minton, our Careers Co-ordinator regarding work experience.
Posted by Vicky Ardern
Category: WLD Updates