2 September 2022

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers for Friday 2 September 2022

Good afternoon,

It has been lovely to see everyone back today.  We have changed the school tie, which to those of us who have been connected with the school for a long time has had a surprising impact on student appearance.  All students look very smart indeed - thank you for the effort that you have put into obtaining the correct uniform for your child.  

All years

  • Front of school: The front of school is always busy and we now have long-awaited new gates!  Please do not drive onto site to collect your child - that clearly doesn't work with hundreds of students in the school.  If your child arrives or is collected by car, please park further down the road and ask your son or daughter to walk the last bit into school - this helps the safety of everyone outside the school entrance.  If there is a specific reason why you must collect your child from the door of the school (e.g. physical infirmity such as a broken leg), please contact Mrs Eckersley (Assistant Headteacher) on s.eckersley@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk to discuss access and parking.
  • Open Evening is on Monday 26 September - bookings are now available via our website - https://www.waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/news/2022-09-01-open-evening-2022-bookings-now-available.  Please share this link with anyone who you know who is looking into secondary schools.  Please be aware that this is a "half-day" for students to enable preparation of the school for the evening event.  Many students will be involved in the evening as guides and helpers - it is always a good night.
  • Please see the link here for September's Online Safety Newsletter
  • Attendance:  If your child is too sick to attend school, please phone the attendance line before 9.30am, with the reason for your child's absence. We request that you inform school EVERY DAY of your child's absence. Failure to provide a reason for an absence will result in unauthorised absences, which in turn may lead to a Fixed Penalty Notice from the Local Authority. If you have any questions regarding your child's attendance, please contact Mrs Gorrill: attendance@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk

Year 10

  • Geography Trip to Bowness: Those current year 10 students who attended the Geography Field Trips in June will be attending their second field trip on Wednesday, 14th September to investigate how tourism has an impact on Bowness on Windermere in the Lake District. Please can consent be made via parentpay by Monday, 5th September.

Years 7 & 11

  • Photographs: Tempest Photography will be in school on Friday, 16th September to take the yesrs 7 and 11 photographs.

Have a very good weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone on Monday.

Best wishes

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates