9 September 2022
Along with the whole country we are saddened by the death of Queen Elizabeth. We will communicate any further information about any arrangements that affect the school as we become aware of them. Our condolences go to her family and to those directly affected by her death.
As a school we have had an excellent first week back with a really calm and positive attitude displayed by all our students which has been great to see. Attendance is a real focus for us - there is a clear correlation between attendance and academic success. Our attendance was 92% this week - we would like more than 95% attendance across the school (100% would be ideal!) so that students do not develop gaps in their learning.
All years
- Front of school: The front of school is always busy and we now have long-awaited new gates! Please do not drive onto site to collect your child - that clearly doesn't work with hundreds of students in the school. If your child arrives or is collected by car, please park further down the road and ask your son or daughter to walk the last bit into school - this helps the safety of everyone outside the school entrance. If there is a specific reason why you must collect your child from the door of the school (e.g. physical infirmity such as a broken leg), please contact Mrs Eckersley (Assistant Headteacher) on s.eckersley@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk to discuss access and parking. Likewise a small number of parents & carers are walking onto school site at the end of the day to collect their child. If there is a specific reason why this needs to happen please talk to us, otherwise please wait for them at the gate.
- Parking issues: We have had a few complaints from our neighbours both on Sollam's Close and Charnley Fold regarding these roads being used as a turning circle/drop-off/pick-up for students at both the start and end of the day. We have also been made aware of cars parking on Cottage Lane opposite the bus stop which is causing major traffic problems. Please can you be aware at the start and end of the school day that these places are not used. We have contacted the police as they are responsible for traffic issues and we expect them to be present outside the front of school in the coming days.
- Allergies: We have several students in school who have severe nut allergies. Therefore, please be mindful of this and don’t send your child to school with items containing nuts, we are a nut-free school.
- Open Evening is on Monday 26 September - bookings are now available via our website - https://www.waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/news/2022-09-01-open-evening-2022-bookings-now-available. Please share this link with anyone who you know who is looking into secondary schools. Please be aware that this is a "half-day" for students to enable preparation of the school for the evening event. Many students will be involved in the evening as guides and helpers - it is always a good night.
- Attendance: Students need to be in school before the bell goes at 8.45am. If they arrive after the bell, they will be put onto break-time detention. Please encourage your child to get their equipment and uniform ready the night before, and to leave the house early enough to catch the bus. If you have any questions regarding your child's attendance, please contact Mrs Gorrill: attendance@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk
- LCC Digital Education Systems Consultation: Lancashire County Council are seeking your help in shaping their future digital systems which support the work of schools and education providers in Lancashire and improve outcomes for children, young people and families. LCC are asking for your engagement by filling in the Parent/Carer survey using the link below. The other two links provide detailed information about the research and Parent/Carer focus groups.
Year 11
- Geography Trip to Bowness: Reminder that year 11 Geography students will be out of school on Wednesday, 14th September. Please note the coach is due back to school around 4pm and parents will need to make provision for their child to get home as there are no late school buses this week.
Years 7 & 11
- Photographs: Reminder that Tempest Photography will be in school on Friday, 16th September to take the years 7 and 11 photographs.
Have a good weekend!
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates