9 August 2022
Results Day - Thursday 25 August 2022
Results can be collected from school from 9.30am on the morning of Thursday 25 August. We will also email results to student school email addresses later that morning. Results are the property of each student so if someone else is collecting them then we need a signed letter to say so and that person will need identification. Students need to check that they can access their school email accounts (any issues, please contact the dedicated resultsday@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk email address).
There is a lot of work being done in school during August so we plan to use D Block (probably the library) to distribute results envelopes. If this changes there will be plenty of signs around when you arrive in school! Please be careful when accessing school site - for example we are having work done to replace the front gates....
Post-results services:
We will be there on Results Day to talk to you and offer advice and support if you need it, but the most important thing to do once you have your results is to talk to your chosen college. We hope that your hard work has paid off and you have the results that you want. If that is not the case then the school can request one of these "Post-results services" from the examination board:
- Access to scripts: access to a copy of your exam papers
- Review of marking: the exam board review the marking to ensure your work was marked accurately in line with the mark scheme
- Clerical re-check: a check that all marks have been included and added up correctly
The first stage in any query about your results will be to request access to your exam papers. This will be done by us on 7 September, in line with the deadlines published by the examination board. The relevant Head of Department will then look at your paper, your marks, your grade and grade boundaries and discuss with you whether a review is possible. The deadline for reviews of marking is at the end of September, We cannot access the scripts without your permission so information about how to start this process will be on the email sent out on Results Day. We are not allowed to ask you for permission until the results have been issued.
It is important to emphasise that requesting any post-results service is a carefully considered process which takes place once all staff have returned to school in September. It is very important to realise that your marks could go up, down or stay the same following any clerical re-check or review of marking so these should not be undertaken without careful thought. Any such requests will be carefully discussed with the student concerned during September.
Support and information from the examination boards
The following links may be useful to you
- AQA AQA | Student and parent support | Results day
- OCR Querying your results - OCR
- Pearson Understanding results and grades: a guide for students, parents and carers (pearson.com)
- WJEC Student Support: Post-Results GCSE (wjec.co.uk) and eduqas-results-2022-everything-you-need-to-know.pdf
I look forward to celebrating your results with you on the 25th! Any queries, please use the dedicated email address resultsday@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk.
Best wishes
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates