25 April 2021

Image of WLD Update for Parents and Carers - Sunday 25th April 2021

Good afternoon,

Parking:  We have asked the police and the Highways Agency to consider the parking outside the front of school as this is becoming a significant issue.  We are receiving a number of complaints from local residents (in Sollam's Close and Calico Close in particular) and it is clear that the area immediately outside school is quite dangerous for our students at the end of the day due to the number of cars.  It would assist everyone if you could drop and collect your son or daughter further away on Brindle Road or neighbouring streets and let them walk the final couple of hundred metres or so.

Year 11 last day in school:  I can now confirm that the final day that Year 11 will be required to be in school will be Friday 28th May.  There will be voluntary work to aid transition available online in June, but there will be no requirement for Year 11 students to attend school.  This is in line with other schools in our area.  We are planning a celebration on that final day to ensure their last day in school is marked appropriately! We have talked to Year 11 about whether we should book a prom, given the risks and costs (we had to cancel twice last year) and they are completing a survey for us about this at the moment.  

Year 11 assessments:  A dedicated webpage has been set up with all the information about the assessment of grades this summer.  This includes the schedule for the coming weeks, an overview of the process and guidance as to how to apply for special considerations should they be needed.  I will send a separate update to Year 11 parents and carers tomorrow about this.

Year 10 Work Experience - A message from Miss Royal, Careers Co-ordinator:  The plan for work experience this year was emailed to all Parents/Carers on Monday which outlines the current options.. Applications for the NHS option need to be in to me by Thursday 29th April to secure their place. Slips for the Creative Digital Agency option are to be in to me by Monday 26th April to ensure they do not miss out. If any other student is interested in these amazing opportunities please get in touch with me and I will see what we can do -  k.royal@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk.  Please also explore the other virtual opportunities available during work experience week (5th-8th/9th July) and during Half Term Week - they are on the website here

COVID safety:  None of the pandemic rules in school have changed - we are still required to keep year groups separate, ensure that workspaces are wiped down each lesson and wear facemasks inside the buildings.  Please ensure that you son or daughter has a facemask and a spare - we are not required to supply them.  Please also ensure that they have a pack of wipes so that they can help us to ensure that their workspaces in each classroom are thoroughly sanitised.  Hopefully this will be over before too long, but, for the time being we must stick to the safety procedures.

Best wishes - and please remember that a week on Monday (3rd May) is a Bank Holiday so school will be closed. 

James Harris



Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates