30 April 2021
I hope that everyone has a chance to enjoy the long weekend. This update is a set of practical reminders about normal school business - in some ways it is nice to write with reminders about the day-to-day routines and rules as we begin to emerge from the pandemic!
Kit in PE: Just a reminder from Mr Moore (Head of PE) that kit needs to be brought for PE even if the student is a bit unwell or injured. They will be able to participate in some way (e.g. scoring, refereeing...) even if they can't take part in the full lesson. This has always been our custom and practice. We know that some students are waiting for orders of kit - if that is the case please just bring something to do PE in until the order arrives;
Energy drinks and drinks in cans: These are not allowed in school. All students know that - no changes here, but we have had to dispose of a few over the last few days so please remind your son or daughter not to bring them in;
Minor damage: We put a lot of effort into making our buildings look nice, thanks to our outstanding site team, and we spend a considerable amount of money on internal decoration and making the environment pleasant for all of us. We have had some minor damage in some places - please remind your son or daughter that we always charge families for the cost of repairing any damage that they do;
Disruption: School is a very positive place at the moment. Everyone is working very hard indeed to support Year 11 as they tackle their final assessments, to teach focused lessons which address gaps in learning brought about by the pandemic, to provide work for those who are unavoidably out of school, to provide care and support for the large numbers of students who have individual issues at this time and to continue to run the labour-intensive systems of movement around school which keep everyone safe. The thing that we are not at all sympathetic to is disruption. I have said it throughout this time - if a student cannot follow reasonable instructions then they cannot be here. We understand that young people make mistakes, but if it takes more than a calm warning from a member of staff for them to correct their behaviour than we are highly likely to exclude them for a fixed period. Having a calm, well-ordered environment is essential for safety as well as the mental health and wellbeing of all staff and students. Please have this discussion with your son or daughter, as a reminder, if necessary.
Year 10 Parents' and Carers' Evening: Reminder that bookings are still open for Year 10 Parents' and Carers' Evening on Wednesday, 5th May from 4.30 to 7pm, however please note that bookings will close at 4pm on the 5th (half an hour before the event begins). We hope that all parents and carers are able to discuss their son' or daughter's progress with their subject teachers on that evening. Please see link here for information: https://www.waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/parents/parents-carers-evenings. The link for our school is https://waltonledale.schoolcloud.co.uk/. If you will be connecting using a mobile device, please see the link here for troubleshooting: https://support.parentseveningsystem.co.uk/article/807-video-troubleshooting-camera-and-microphone-access.
COVID testing at home: Please be aware that we have had a positive COVID case in Year 10 this week with a small number of students having to be sent home to self-isolate. Please can I strongly encourage you to continue testing your son or daughter for COVID twice each week using the kits that we send home with them. Staff are doing the same. We want to do everything that we can to end this pandemic as soon as possible!
Best wishes and enjoy the long weekend....
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates