22 April 2021
WoW – temporary CPD Focus – Embedding Reading
Developing Voice Confidence
Which reading strategies will you use this week? (Reading Warriors, Frayer Model, Popcorn Reading?)
- CPD Focus – continued focus on reading. Please continue to work to embed Reading Warriors (resources are saved here) and the Reading Quick Wins approaches (here) where possible.
- CPD – this Wednesday is whole-school CPD. KRO will be providing guidance as it will be based on the Gatsby Benchmarks. It will be virtual and can be completed at your convenience at any point before Tuesday 2nd May. Thanks to KRO for organising.
- Co-curricular activities continue this week – thanks to all for running them
- REMINDER: Setting work – please ensure that work is uploaded, as per department approach (i.e. Class Materials or Assignments), for every lesson so that isolating students can complete.
- Looking ahead – Walton Connects T&L Meeting on Wednesday 12th May for 30 minutes to explore the following: what are the most effective ways of encouraging reading within our classrooms?
It has been privilege to be out an about seeing high quality face-to-face teaching.
Feedback - Plan - Teach
Link to this term’s CPD focus – Embedding Reading Warriors, developing voice confidence
Key Priorities
- Embedding Reading Warriors when appropriate
- Giving students to opportunity to use their voices within your lessons (whether reading their work or from a text)
- Promoting wider reading within your subjects and reading for pleasure
We have all witnessed the discomfort caused to students - either as students or as teachers- when a member of the class loses concentration (possibly during a reading task) and subsequently struggles to answer the teacher’s question. As we all work hard to continue to embed reading strategies, the following info-graphic summarising reading comprehension strategies might just help:
Put simply, always require the student to be ACTIVE and to ‘use’ the reading material (be it a source, a textbook or an exam question) in some way and to do something with it; otherwise, they may become passive and will fail to understand the text.
Thank you for awarding our students with positive Classcharts for Reading. The number of students awarded has increased significantly. Please continue to reward every reader – no matter how much or how little they read. Choose the ‘Excellent Reading’ Classcharts button.
Useful references:
Teaching and Learning Policy (containing blended learning approach)
WLD planning template (updated January 2021)
Remember that you have all shared resources in WLD Teachers – CPD – 2020/21 – Reading Warriors
As well as Reading Warriors, try one of Alex Quigley’s approaches summarised on this slide below and saved in our Reading Quick Wins PowerPoint.
Mental Health Family Hour – RSW
Thursday (29th) at 10am live Mental Health Staff Hour episode. The focus of this episode is grief, loss and bereavement.
The talking points for the webinar:
- General discussion around loss- what this means (loss of person, role, or thing) and link this with loss of colleague and how this can impact us even if we weren’t close, as it can change things in the dynamics of a team.
- A brief overview of psychological models of grief/grieving e.g. Kubler Ross- 5 stages of grief.
- A discussion around similarities and problems with traditional models and how they reinforce the idea of ‘shoulds’ and ‘expectations’ around grieving.
The link for the webinar - https://youtu.be/qV_cJ93ALSc
The National College
Remember that we each have this membership. We have literally a library of free CPD materials (certificates and webinars) at our fingertips. From Health and Safety, to Rosenshine’s Principles in Action, there is something for everyone’s interest. Please contact RLO if you have forgotten your login.
Internet Safety - DTU
Here's a useful guide from Amnesty International showing how to hide location data from Facebook image uploads, blocking tracking data, blocking abusive streams etc..
It's suitable for staff and form groups
ACEs training - PHO (emailed information 7th April)
Mental Health Training – Free - PHO
- It's FREE
- Open to anyone
- Do it when you want, you just need to register for a dated cohort.
Combat Reading
Gwynne Ash and Melanie Kuhn: Fluency Instruction: Research-Based Best Practices.
National Literacy Trust
WLD now has a membership with the NLT. If you would like access, please contact RLO. There are useful materials to help you to embed literacy approaches within your classrooms.
Feedback - Plan - Teach
Posted by Rachel Long
Category: Teaching and Learning Digests