7 January 2021

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers - Thursday 7th January 2021

Good afternoon,

A small number of updates today.

Timings of the day:  Most of you will know that we changed the timings of lessons within the school day when we came back in September in order to allow safe movement and hygiene.  We didn't publish the actual times of each lesson to parents & carers as it only mattered to students.  With remote learning now taking place you need to know when your son or daughter should be accessing each lesson - so I have updated the website with the current times.

Provision for children of key workers and students defined as vulnerable by the government:  This has started well and the majority of the students are engaging well with their remote learning.  Please can I ask all parents & carers of these students to talk to them about a small number of matters:

  • The requirement for full school uniform - this is school so uniform is required.  If there is a temporary issue with an item of uniform (for example broken shoes) then please send in a note with your son or daughter so that we know when it will be sorted;
  • This is "remote learning on site" so we are insisting on quiet (no talking) during all sessions so that everyone can concentrate.  There is plenty of chance to talk at breaks and lunchtime;
  • Being in supervised areas only:  We are very clear about where students can go so that they are supervised appropriately.  We need all students to respect that without debate;
  • Being on time for lessons:  We are following the pattern of the normal school day so that we match with the pattern of online learning.  Students are clearly told when to return from break and lunchtime and need to do so promptly.

These are simple issues to resolve - please discuss them with your son or daughter if you are wishing to access our provision on site.  If students can't obey reasonable instructions then they definitely can't be here under the current circumstances.

Headteacher's Commendations:  A lovely part of my job is to send out commendations to students who are suggested by a member of staff for some reason. I put a Headteacher's Commendation on Classcharts and send a personal email to parents or carers.  It is a pleasure to see that I have a large number of such commendations to work through from the teachers who are impressed with the quality of work that is being done from home under these difficult circumstances.  Well done to all concerned!

Best wishes.

James Harris




Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates