8 January 2021

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers - Friday 8th January 2021

Good afternoon,

You will be glad to hear that, unless something dramatic happens over the weekend, the next update will not be until Monday afternoon as I am currently sending them out daily rather than weekly.

Reports:  We will shortly be issuing reports to all year groups so that you can see your son or daughter's attitude to learning over the last term.  We know that our attitude to learning grades correlate very strongly with academic progress so these will provide a good insight into the areas where students need to focus their particular attention.  We are also carefully monitoring engagement with online learning week by week.

Year 9 - a date for your diary:  The "options" process begins in February and there will be a parents' evening for Year 9 on Wednesday 10th Feb which will be held virtually.  More details will follow soon, but please keep that date in your diary.

Reading during lockdown:  Miss Knowles, our school librarian, has written an update about reading during these strange times.  You will find it on the "Reading" page of the website - well worth looking at as it has lots of links to useful resources.

Free School Meal Provision: Please see the email previously sent out regarding food parcels on Wednesdays and Thursdays - please contact school to confirm collection.

Mental Health and wellbeing support:  Please remember the Walton Wellness Newsletter issued just before Christmas.  It contains lots of useful help and support.  Likewise you will find a number of resources on our Mental Health page, including a new list of 10 ways to access support.

Reminders for those accessing provision on site:

  • If you want your child to have the on-site Covid test, please send the form back as soon as possible.
  • Please remember to email Mrs Hodgson - l.hodgson@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk with your shift patterns for next week (if you have not already done so), and please inform us if your child is not going to be in school.
  • We will be doing a uniform check on Monday, please make sure that your son or daughter has a note explaining the reason for any incorrect uniform items.

Communication this week:  There have been a lot of messages this week, for obvious reasons.  All my updates for parents and carers can be accessed on the website here.

Thank you for everything that you are doing and have as good a weekend as you can in the circumstances....

Best wishes

James Harris



Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates