18 September 2020

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers Sunday 20th September 2020

Good afternoon,

COVID-19 important update:  Please make sure that you have read the email that was sent out yesterday.  A copy is on the website here.  Year 11, along with Year 10 who travel on the 505 bus, are not in school tomorrow (Monday 21st Sept). All other students should attend school as usual. Further information will be provided by the end of Monday.

Classcharts: In these times electronic means of communication become even more important.  If you have not yet got access to Classcharts to find out about homework, rewards and any behaviour issues, please email classcharts@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk for your code.  The link is at the top of the school homepage or an app can be downloaded onto your phone.  Please also note a small adjustment in the times during which the school phone will be answered - all the details about communication are on the website here.

Doors, windows and jumpers:  I have written about the need for coats over the last few weeks as students are inevitably going to be outside more.  In the current sunny weather those messages have seemed a bit unnecessary, but this is Lancashire in September and it will not stay warm for ever! With that in mind please be aware that we are instructed to have doors and windows open in school for ventilation during this pandemic.  This will inevitably mean that classrooms will be cooler than usual.  A school jumper, which is worn underneath a blazer, would be a useful item as the weather gets colder.  Please order from the uniform shop in the usual way.  Hoodies and other jackets and jumpers cannot be worn underneath school blazers as they are not part of school uniform.

Year 7 GL Assessments: Over the next few weeks Year 7 will undertake some online testing.  Please do not let your child worry about this, particularly under the current conditions - the tests cannot be revised for and they measure aptitude which is not affected by lockdown or missed learning.  We do these tests every year and they are just to give us more information about your child.  You will find the timetable on the website here.

Home learning:  If you missed the update from Mrs Long, Assistant Headteacher (Teaching and Learning), then please have a read of it here.

Consultation from LCC: We have been asked to circulate the following consultation information:

Lancashire's Short Break Offer - Parent/Carer Consultation Summer 2020

This consultation is for all parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) who are currently using Lancashire's Short Break Service, have used it in the past or who haven't used it before.  The responses will be used to make final recommendations to Cabinet about the new Short Break Offer for children and young people with SEND.

The Local Offer page with information about the consultation and link to the questionnaire can be found here: https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/children-education-families/special-educational-needs-and-disabilities/your-local-offer/short-break-offer-redesign/

The consultation questionnaire is here: https://wh1.snapsurveys.com/s.asp?k=159895845499

Printed questionnaires are available; parents and carers can call 01772 531 597 or email cyp-shortbreaks@lancashire.gov.uk

Recent additional communications:  

  • Message from Miss Royal, Careers Co-ordinator - Year 11 Post 16 Preparation - College Open Events;
  • Homework club reminder for parents to register -  you will find the link to register on our "Homework" page.
  • Covid-19 rules on social gatherings - link here https://www.waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/curriculum/coronavirus
  • Message from Mrs Parker re uniform - Online orders can be collected when students are on lunch from either the Dining Room, or Canopy. The original style PE kit will not be replaced once out of stock, the new style can therefore be ordered,

Have a good week in these uncertain times.

Best wishes,

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates