17 September 2020

Image of Home Learning - an update for parents & carers

In order to support your child with their studies throughout the course of this year, teachers will be saving class materials – each week – into their individual class Teams. All students have been reminded of how to access these areas and Year 7s are currently being shown how to do so in their ICT lessons. 

If your child is absent from lessons (through illness, or through being asked to self-isolate, or for reasons such as internal isolation or exclusion), then he/she will be able to access the work missed at the time of the lesson. 

This blended approach (a mixture of face-to-face and online/independent learning) will be adopted by all teachers over the coming weeks. Students will receive a proportionate amount of work depending on the timetable allocation of the subject (i.e. if they have 3 hours of English then the work set should take roughly three hours). 

In the event of student absence, students will be expected to make up the work missed by accessing their class Teams and completing the work set within the appropriate weekly folders.  They will also be expected to complete homework set for each subject and this will be tracked using Classcharts. This work may be submitted as directed by their class teacher (i.e. through Assignments, email, uploaded to Classcharts etc). If a whole class or year group is directed to isolate due to a positive Covid-19 test in school, their teachers will be available via various platforms (Teams chat, email, live lessons etc) during their usual timetabled lesson.  

How can parents/carers help? 

In order to support your child, it would be helpful if you could discuss this approach with them.  It would also be helpful if you could ensure that you are familiar with both Classcharts and Teams.  Guidance on how to access and use Teams is available by clicking on this link and guidance on Classcharts will follow shortly.  Year 7 are receiving guidance on accessing Teams in their ICT lessons currently.

In the meantime, should you have any queries, please contact your child’s mentor (or form tutor in the case of Year 7). 

Mrs R Long

Assistant Headteacher (Teaching and Learning)



Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates