13 July 2020

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers Tuesday 14th July 2020

Good afternoon,

Opening in September:  We are really looking forward to seeing everyone back!  As we approach September we will be sending out specific guidance about practical matters such as transport, hygiene, equipment and food. The detailed risk assessment has been updated on the website in preparation for September.  Following discussions with our local secondary schools we strongly feel that our new intake have missed out on having a transition day in order to help them in their move to high school.  We are therefore opening on Wed 2 September for Years 7 & 11 and on Thurs 3 September for all year groups.  This will give Year 7 a day in which we can focus on settling them into their new school.  


Note from Mrs Eckersley, School Business Manager:The final free school meals vouchers have been ordered and should be emailed to you on Friday 17th July, these cover the period from the 01.08.2020 to 31.08.2020.

Note from Mr Carr, Head of Maths: HegartyMaths - Year 10. The mathematics department have invested in a new revision and home learning system to support the year 10 students in their exam preparation. The site is at www.hegartymaths.com and all students have been emailed with instructions on accessing it, and have been talked through the system if they were in school for the maths sessions two weeks ago. We have also made a series of help videos talking them through how to use the system - these can be found on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-p1_Zjf8miaJRSlQv-Kbp8kQmuLqnnx7.  Please could you encourage any year 10 students to make sure that they have completed all the tasks set on the system by their teachers. We will also be setting a series of revision lessons / tasks for their summer revision that should be worked on steadily over the summer. It is important that students continue their revision during the summer break alongside taking the chance to relax and recuperate.   If there are any students finding difficulty with accessing the system then please ask them to contact their maths teacher, or email me at p.carr@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk for assistance.

Key worker provision:  Please remember that this provision finishes at 12.20pm on Friday.  The buses to Preston and Blackburn will leave at this point.


Notice from Miss Royal, Careers Co-ordinator: Years 7-11 Virtual Outreach Opportunities @ Edge Hill. Edge Hill University have some interactive Virtual Events running aimed at Years 7-11 - students can look at how their current interests and skills link to areas of HE study and career prospects, take part in an escape room style activity and find out more about a specific subject area at HE level - https://www.edgehill.ac.uk/studentrecruitment/year-7-to-11-virtual-outreach/


Best wishes

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates