12 July 2020

Image of Summer 2 - 13th July 2020

This Week:


  • New Staff – All have WLD emails and are ready for September.  It was nice to meet them all last week.  Thanks to those of you who are peer buddies to them.
  • NQTs – Final assessment deadline is Monday 13th July.
  • Calendar – now contains Top Tips schedule, whole school CPD sessions, the Word of the Week and a CPD overarching focus for each term.  Please have a look and let RLO of any amendments needed.
  • Remote Teaching – Please could anyone involved in ‘live’ or recorded lessons, let me know of any tips or tweaks to the Remote Learning Policy so that I can update for September.
  • Walton Reads – buddied reading continues this week.  Please let RLO know if there are any issues. 
  • Walton Connects – final meeting of the year on Thursday (change of date due to whole staff briefing – apologies).  Agenda – discuss moving forward with T&L for September.




No doubt the summer will bring an opportunity to reflect on the last four months.  In many respects, working as a teacher at this time is an out-of-body experience but hopefully September will bring us back to some kind of normality.


As we all read and digest the guidance and plan for full reopening, I wanted to share my thoughts of moving forward with T&L for September.  For all of our students, now more than ever, high quality teaching will be fundamental to their success.

Attached to this Digest, is a plan which acknowledges both the guidance and the particular issues facing our staff and students on their return.  Please read, reflect and offer further ideas to RLO.  This is, of course, in addition to our ‘Brilliant Teaching and Learning’ development plan which fundamentally is to ensure that there is high quality teaching in all classrooms. In addition, I have attached are T&L Policy which was launched in December/January.  It underpins everything that we do and needs to be our ‘go to’ in terms of priorities for our practice next year (the ‘moving forward plan’ also continues to maintain our focus on our policy).


This will also be discussed at Walton Connects on Thursday.

Top Tips




  • The online classroom, Oak National Academy, will stay open for another academic year, supported by the DfE. Resources will remain free and accessible for teachers to help ease their workloads, support high quality teaching in the classroom and minimise any disruption for pupils who are not able to attend.  Remote learning folder is now set up in the Middle Leader Team containing all of the Oak curriculum maps – it may be useful to start to look at them to see whether any of the content is usefully linked to current schemes of work.
  • The DfE has published a list of independently quality assured online resources, all of which are currently free to schools. This includes Isaac Physics, Hegarty Maths and a wide range of other excellent provision.  
  • The BBC’s expanded Bitesize offer is attracting over 4 million users each week and they have plans for themed weeks over the summer term, in partnership with the Royal Shakespeare Company and the Science Museum Group. 


CPD Cascaded by Our Staff




CPD offered by RHO

https://restoreourschools.wordpress.com/ - Explores the RESTORE model which highlights seven key areas which, alongside learning, are where we need to stimulate thinking and make decisions in order to collectively move forward into a healthy ‘new normal’. 


Resources offered by AHA


Downloadable and printable resources



AHA – Teams Training Booklet

A really useful resource showing you how to arrange meetings, set assignment etc. 


EBA – Free CPD for Trauma Informed Work in Schools

Tuesday 14th July 9:30-12:30.  Leaflet attached to this bulletin. Enrol here: https://bit.ly/3gfLHmw


RSW – KCSiE CPD Feedback

Update of changes to KCSiE.


RHO – Joe Dale Webinar

This was contributed last week but there is now a YouTube recording of the webinar available for your perusal.  Lots of useful resources are show-cased.


Research Ed Home Page on YouTube

Contains links to lots of great speakers.


REMINDER National College Membership – We are all members!

You will hopefully have received login details for the National College.  We have purchased subscription for all staff within school.  Please have a look at the resources on offer.  This will be an important source of CPD next year.

Microsoft Educator Community


AHA has kindly produced a PPT to explain how to access the course material, accessible here.


Teams CPD from LCH

Below is a link to a YouTube video that shows useful formatting tips when messaging students and staff or announcing new work/important events within a channel. 



Subject Knowledge Enhancement



Society for Education and Training

They are offering a wide range of free CPD webinars on a range of topics, from behaviour to well-being.  Have a look here if you are interested…


Posted by Rachel Long

Category: Teaching and Learning Digests

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