10 July 2020
Good afternoon,
As I finish this I can hear some of out new Year 7s leaving from their introductory session with their new form teacher - it has been lovely to have some of them in school.
Study next week: You will find the study work for next week attached to the email version of this bulletin and on the website here. As has been the case throughout this pandemic all our teachers are ready to answer individual queries and support
Year 10: Next week Year 10s are in to work with their form tutors again in order to ensure that they know exactly what they have to do to be ready for September. They have had time with Maths, English, Science and options subject teachers over the last couple of weeks so this final week is about ensuring that plans are in place to enable the best possible progress in September.
Key worker and vulnerable student supervision: Please be aware that this finishes at 12.20 on Friday 17th July. It has run throughout all holidays since March, but finishes this week. Several students have been with us almost every day since March to support their parents in their roles as key workers.
Open Evening: The fact that we are offering a virtual open evening in September is creating a bit of a stir! Please spread the fact that we are definitely having an Open Evening on the 14th September wherever you can - we know that it highly unlikely that we can open our doors to hundreds of people - in fact I am sure that we can't do that - but why should this stop us!? We will need people to register for whatever we do though - please encourage anyone to register by sending an email to openevening@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk. All the information will be on our website at https://www.waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/open-evening-2020.
Virtual assembly: We are going to have a virtual whole-school assembly at 11.30am next Friday using Teams Live Events - your son or daughter will be invited to attend through their Office 365 account. Should be a nice way to start to bring us back together as a school.
Best wishes and have a good weekend,
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates