5 June 2020

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers Friday 5th June 2020

Good afternoon,

Opening school for more students:  Subject to guidance from the Lancashire Director of Public Health we are planning to have a quarter of our Year 10s in school starting on Monday 15th June.  I have emailed all Year 10 parents & carers with the plans today and they are on our "Coronavirus" page on the website for anyone to see.  We will publish the full whole-school risk assessment on the website early next week - all 30 pages of it!  We will be texting all Year 10 families on Monday to find out how many Year 10s will be taking up our offer of provision to support their remote learning.

Study for next week:  The home study for next week is attached to the email version of this message, as usual.   It has been emailed direct to students and is on the website.   Please strongly encourage your son or daughter to get in contact with their subject teacher by email or via Teams if they need help with any of their learning.

Current Year 7 - messages to new Year 7! Miss Bailey, Head of Year 7, has been gathering video messages from the current Year 7 to our new intake.  A reminder email has gone to all of Year 7 with the information and the deadline has been extended by 2 weeks so that we can get as many positive messages as we can!  It is difficult for all of us at this time, but particularly for those who are about to start a new school so we are very concerned to give our new intake as many positive messages as possible.  I have recorded a message - and I really don't like seeing or hearing myself on video - so I would encourage the current Year 7 to help Miss Bailey in this way.

Best wishes and have a good weekend...

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates