4 June 2020
Good afternoon,
Having said yesterday that we would not be in regular contact with our Year 11s, as they would normally only be in for exams at this stage, we have useful updates for them about events and opportunities! Some of this information may be of interest to students, parents and carers of other year groups as well. So this update is going out to parents and carers of all year groups, including Year 11, as usual.
**Remember, Year 11, applications are still being taken **
Runshaw College - Year 11 Offer Holders’ Virtual VIP event - Monday the 8th June – https://www.runshaw.ac.uk/virtual-offer/
Cardinal Newman College - Newman Beginnings Link - https://www.cardinalnewman.ac.uk/school-leavers/newman-beginnings/
Preston College - https://www.preston.ac.uk/coronavirus-update-important-information-for-parents-guardians-and-learners/information-for-school-leavers/
Blackburn College - Virtual Open Event Wednesday 17th June - https://www.blackburn.ac.uk/events/
Virtual Jobs Fair –National Careers Service - Facebook - Monday, 8 June 2020 from 13:00-14:00 https://www.facebook.com/events/263508164730959/
Apprenticeships - https://www.findapprenticeship.service.gov.uk/apprenticeshipsearch https://www.apprenticeships.gov.uk/real-stories/apprentice
Contact with teachers: Please strongly encourage your son or daughter to make contact with their teachers through email or Teams if they are having any issues with studying from home. Their teachers are there to help!
Online lessons: As a possible addition to our provision of study work we are looking at effective means of our teachers possibly providing some lessons online. This is with a view to further increasing engagement with study at home. A group of staff will be looking at the best way to do this, co-ordinated by our Assistant Headteacher in charge of Teaching and Learning, Mrs Long. Further details will follow.
Best wishes to everyone at this time...
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates