3 May 2020
This Week:
- Trainees – Home study through University of Cumbria.
- NQTs – Meetings arranged for Tuesday and Wednesday through Teams. See email for invite.
Many of you will be aware that Alex Quigley (former English teacher and National Content Manager at the Education Endowment Foundation) has just published his latest book ‘Closing the Reading Gap’. With a copy winging its way to the WLD CPD library (as soon as I have read it!), there a few sobering headlines that instantly give us food for thought – especially whilst we are planning sequences of ‘home learning’.
- Recent research from the National Literacy Trust shows that 1 in 11 children own a book of their own. A mere 1 in 8 disadvantaged children own a book.
- Consider that only 73% of pupils leaving primary school reached the expected level for reading in 2019.
Conclusions? Many of them will struggle to access the school curriculum when they are in school – let alone left to their own devices at home.
I suppose the reflection this week is for us all to think about the nature of what we want our students to do at home and whether they will easily be able to access it. We are, after all, trying our very best…
Top Tips
NB: Previous resources have been published in the last ‘TLD’.
Having looked at this resource in more depth, the resources and structure provided by Oak National Academy looks to be useful. This is a screenshot of a Year 10 daily timetable and it starts with an assembly and then students can delve into subject-specific lessons. There is no sign-up for teachers, parents or students and it is completely free.
It is definitely worth a look.
NB: Please refer to the previous ‘TLD’ for already publicised CPD activities.
Since the last ‘T&LD’, the CPD calendar has been updated in WLD Teachers Team. This week’s version now includes useful resources around John Hattie’s ‘Visible Learning’ and his 138 influences that are related to learning outcomes from very positive effects to very negative effects. It makes interesting reading…
To my knowledge, we currently have staff completing/having completed: a range of subject-specific webinars or online courses; an online metacognition course; webinars on retrieval practice; a webinar with Thomas Guskey; a webinar with Doug Lemov; these are to name but a few.
JGA has very kindly saved the ResearchEd daily presentations (publicised in my CPD calendar) so I have stored them here. Please feel free to use them. They are fronted by some high profile faces within education.
JMJ also suggests that the following videos are useful for anyone struggling with Office 365 or Teams.
Thanks for the contributions. Please keep your CPD top tips coming…it is always lovely to hear from you.
Posted by Rachel Long
Category: Teaching and Learning Digests