5 May 2020

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers Tuesday 5th May 2020

Good afternoon,

To brighten your day, please have a look at the final video from the WLD staff team 2.6 Challenge.  Congratulations to everyone who took part!

Sports Leaders:  Mrs Sweeney, who co-ordinates the Sports Leaders programme has sent an email to all Year 8 students with an application form for next year's Sports Leaders programme.  If you are a parent/carer of a Year 8 please ask your son or daughter to read the email and respond as appropriate.

Mental Health Family Hour:  We have had this message from Sam Tyrer: Episode 4 of the ‘Mental Health Family Hour’ is now available. On this episode we talk about stress, coping strategies and our comfort zone. Thank you again for all your support thus far, each week we have new listeners tuning in and the feedback has been great.  Here is the link for episode 4 - https://youtu.be/y9Z5tuqLE4Q

Careers questionnaires:  Thank you to the 141 parents and carers who have completed the online Careers education questionnaire - if you haven't had time to do it so far, please consider spending just a few minutes completing it here.  Many thanks for your help.

#OnlineSafetyAtHome:  The 4th activity pack is now available here.


Best wishes and stay safe...

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates