30 April 2020
Good afternoon,
I hope that everyone that you care for is safe and well....
Supporting your children with learning at home: With secondary school students evidence shows that "Parental encouragement for, and interest in, older children’s learning is more important than direct involvement". For example, having "a ‘five-minute plan’ chat with children before they get started with home learning can pose helpful reflection and involve parents in ways that they can help". Worth trying that this week, perhaps?
Online radicalisation: At this time when our young people are spending more time than usual online please have a look at the information about online radicalisation at the end of this update.
Skills toolkit: The government has made available a number of courses to improve skills at this time - worth a look https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/find-a-course/the-skills-toolkit
Free school meal update from Mrs Eckersley: There have been a lot of issues with the government's voucher scheme. Mrs Eckersley says: "I have been on the Edenred system this morning and it looks like a lot of parents have already redeemed their £45 vouchers, so that's some good news. Moving forward I have placed the new order for FSM vouchers they are for the following weeks:
W/B 4th May
W/B 11th May
W/B 18th May
W/B 25th May
The voucher total is £60.00. Again I'm not sure when this will be authorised by the government but the order has been placed today."
Best wishes
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates