30 April 2020
Good afternoon,
Quite a lot on today's bulletin, but all useful, I hope....
Home study for next week: You will find the work for next week on the website here. It has also been attached to the email version of this update and emailed directly to the students. Please remember that the wellbeing of our students is our top priority, but regular study may be an important factor in their wellbeing at this time. Please also direct our students to the PSHE resources and to the Thought for the Week - Resilience...
Next Friday (8th May) is a Bank Holiday: We will be open for supervision of children of key workers and vulnerable students. Staff won't be responding to email and queries on that day, however.
Calling all ex-WLD students: If you are an ex-student or you are in contact with one or more of our ex-students please would you publicise this link https://www.waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/news/2020-05-01-calling-all-ex-wld-students - we are looking to set up a network of ex-students to inspire and prepare the current generation - please get in touch!
#CookwithJack: Cooking lunches on a budget - well worth looking at... https://www.biteback2030.com/real-story/cook-jack-4th-may-8th-may
Email from Runshaw College: I received this email yesterday evening - it is relevant to Year 11 students and parents....
"I just wanted to reach out again because this past week we have received quite a few questions from schools regarding our offer of places to Year 11 students.
Please rest assured that as Partner High Schools of Runshaw we guarantee your students a place with us when they apply before our deadline, and the only conditions attached to this are what they have applied for, and then in August what grades they achieve.
I suppose it’s a bit like the students having a chair with their name on it at Runshaw, which class that goes in, and to which level of study, depends on what they choose and what grades they achieve…I’ll admit it’s a bit of an odd image but it’s always my go to when explaining the Partner School Promise! J
If for any reason a student doesn’t quite achieve the grades for the course/s they were hoping for we will always discuss each student’s individual circumstances with them and will always offer them an alternative programme/course of study, no matter what, that chair remains!"
Parenting in a Pandemic: Schudio, who design our website, also provide online courses - I received this advertisement this morning...
✅ FREE - Parenting in a Pandemic [from Fegans]
This is a great course to share with your parents as they support children at home
Have as good a weekend as you can in these troubled times and we will be back in touch again on Monday.
Best wishes and stay safe...
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates