17 April 2020
Good afternoon,
Study work for next week: As I said when I wrote to you on Tuesday we are moving to a system of setting work on a weekly basis, which will give students and families more flexibility to organise their time. Please remember, your health and wellbeing are the top priority, but having a regular pattern of study is an important part of wellbeing. The study for the coming week is on the website (look for "What are students learning now?"), it has been attached to the email version of this update to parents & carers and it has been emailed directly to all students. This is the case for Years 7 to 10 and I have written to Year 11 separately. Teachers will be supporting by email in the way that they did over the first 2 weeks of school closure.
Online Safety Home Activity Packs: Well worth looking at - available here.
Online resources for learning at home: The government has provided a list of online resources for learning at home - well worth a look.
Free School Meal voucher system: Mrs Eckersley has written a helpful set of steps to assist people who are struggling to redeem their vouchers:
- Step 1 open email
- Step 2 click on the link selectyourcompliment.co.uk/dfe
- Step 3 copy your code into the box
- Step 4 press redeem
- Step 5 click on start shopping
- Step 6 choose your supermarket
- Step 7 enter the amount of your voucher in the value box
- Step 8 click add to basket (the box will close automatically and take you back to the various supermarkets screen)
- Step 9 click on checkout
- Step 10 fill in your personal details
- Step 11 you will receive and email containing the voucher, take this voucher to you chosen supermarket. You don't need to print it, it can be shown on your phone.
Please note there is no secret code, Mrs Eckersley has been through the process of redeeming various vouchers. All of the codes you need are in your email.
Have a good weekend, stay safe, and we will be in touch again on Monday...
Best wishes
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates