17 April 2020

Image of WLD Update for Year 11 - parents, carers and students

Good afternoon,

This is specific update for Year 11 students, along with their parents & carers.  It updates you on your GCSE and vocational qualifications this year .

On 18th March we were told that GCSE examinations were cancelled and on the 20th March schools closed.  On the 3rd April guidance was published about the way in which GCSE qualifications were to be assessed and on the 9th April some guidance was issued about the vocational qualifications.  All the guidance can be found here and Ofqual has produced a couple of short videos to explain the process which can be found here. The most important thing for everyone to read is the "Letter to Students".

The "Letter to Students" makes it clear that your results for GCSEs will be on the basis of calculated grades and, as the letter says 

"Your school or college is not required to set additional mock exams or homework for your centre assessment grade, and you won’t be disadvantaged if you were not set, or were unable to complete, any work given out after schools were closed."

For the vocational subjects we are waiting for definite list of subjects for which calculated grades will be used, but the guidance issued so far makes it likely that the same approach will be used.

Yesterday we were informed that the results days for this year remain the same - in other words, you will get your results on 20th August.

All this means that we will now be focusing on providing you with activities and resources that will be useful to you as you go on to the next stage of your life in September rather than providing you with additional work for your GCSE courses.  We will begin to get these resources out to you over the coming week.  We do not have final advice on the vocational courses, as I said, but please do not be over-worried if you are facing technical difficulties completing remaining assignments at home - as soon as we know the final arrangements for these courses (Health and Social Care, DIT, Enterprise, Sport and Performance) I will let you know.      

I appreciate that this is a difficult time for everyone, but please be assured that we will go about the task of providing grades with our usual care for each individual student.  I am very happy to answer any queries, but please read the "Letter to Students" carefully first as it addresses the main questions that most people will have.

With very best wishes - stay well and safe....

James Harris




Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates