19 April 2020
This Week:
- Trainees – Meetings scheduled, through Teams, for this week. See email for invite.
- NQTs – Meetings arranged for Tuesday and Wednesday through Teams. See email for invite.
- Reminder – HoDs – please add your work to the spreadsheet in ‘WLDSTAFF’ – ‘HOMELEARNING’ – by Thursday at 3pm. Thanks.
During these unusual times, we are thinking about the best way to plan our lessons. Educational bloggers have shared the best approaches and top tips for planning meaningful learning. They suggest the following:
Planning Weekly
- Recall task to start to link/reinforce to previous week
- Short chunked activities
- Modelling them where possible (WAGOLLs or other)
- Share success criteria for longer tasks
- Use pictures or diagrams to make exemplify where possible
Top Tips
The following resources, recommended by teachers, were published in the last ‘T&LD’ before Easter. They have been organised into categories, but many cover more than one curriculum area.
Please do use the blog to add any further resources for others to use or to comment on any of these resources. We are still a community and, as such, want to help and support one another. Alternatively, please continue to email RLO with further resources.
NEW FOR THIS WEEK…and worth a look – UNESCO and Google have collaborated to produce a ‘temporary hub of information’ containing useful resources to support home learning during this period. There are useful tutorials (for teachers and students) and they are definitely helpful.
Also, from Monday 20th April, students (age 5 to 14) will be able to access regular daily lessons in English and Maths, as well as other core subjects, in an expanded version of the BBC Bitesize website and also on special programmes broadcast on BBC iPlayer and BBC Red Button.
This site provides a platform to enable teachers to create their own content to share but also has animated videos on a wide range of topics that can be used as a resource to spark ideas for activities.
The TED masterclass would enable you to create and share your own TED Talk as a resource.
FlipGrid -
Teachers can create a class group and set quiz 'assignments' on set texts (some English Language) on these useful sites:
· Seneca https://www.senecalearning.com/blog/gcse-english-literature-revision/
· Quizlet https://quizlet.com/en-gb/teachers
· Memrise https://www.memrise.com/
Teaching & Learning
Pearson: There are a couple of links, below, for secondary subjects across the curriculum, along with tips around online teaching.
https://www.pearson.com/uk/educators/schools/update-for-schools.html - free access to a range of resources, including revision guides
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITUc3KF0Ox8 - tips for online teaching.
Some useful sites:
· BBC Bitesize https://apps.apple.com/us/app/my-english-literature-gcse/id1335737542?ls=1
· Cambridge English https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/learning-english/activities-for-learners/?rows=12 Specifically for students of English as a foreign language but 86 interactive quizzes to develop generic English skills.
· Good for descriptive writing tasks: http://www.pobble365.com/
Reading material can be downloaded for free from the following:
· LANCASHIRE LIBRARIES (if students have a library card) ebooks: https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/libraries-and-archives/libraries/digital-library/?page=3
· LANCASHIRE LIBRARIES. Free articles to read: https://www.lancashire.gov.uk/libraries-and-archives/libraries/digital-library/?page=7
· Kindle app—lots of free books available.
- Sarah Rogo on Twitter @sarskate86 – Various KS3 booklets
- Lauren Fiddes on Twitter @lafiddess – Menu of KS3 tasks.
- Susan Strachan on Twitter @SusanSEnglish. Various booklets – AQA revision guide, creative and non-fictional writing, unseen poetry, power and conflict, etc.
- Douglas Wise on Twitter @DoWise – booklets such as ’GCSE English Language Resources’, ’GCSE English Literature Resources’, ‘One Line Reading List’.
· Free ebooks (for copies of GCSE texts) https://www.gutenberg.org/
· BBC Bitesize —A ‘Revise’, Video’, ‘Mini-Test’ page for each GCSE Literature text:
- Bitesize Eduqas English Literature
- Bitesize AQA English Literature
· Basic skill quizzes ttp://www.bristol.ac.uk/arts/exercises/grammar/grammar_tutorial/page_41.htm. Aimed at undergraduates but very accessible. Quizzes test this information: http://www.bris.ac.uk/arts/exercises/grammar/grammar_tutorial/index.htm
· BBC Skillswise https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/skillswise/english/zjg4scw
Online Resource Banks
- Mr Barton Maths
- Corbett Maths
- TeachitMaths
Free Interactive Resources
- The Khan Academy:
Free web based teaching provided by Salman Khan, who believes free good quality education should be available to all.
- Corbett Maths:
Web based videos and worksheets.
- CK-12
Free web based teaching resource. Currently running webinars to help teachers plan to use the resource - BBC Bitesize
Has some content, but not all of the national curriculum content.
- StudyWise - studywise.co.uk FREE—hosts links to other sites so please exercise the usual safe practice when following external links. Links to Revision videos by A* students, interactive notes, revision notes, quizzes.
- RevisionScience - revisionscience.com/gcse-revision FREE A little bit out of date in terms of spec titles but hosts lots of revision notes for GCSE
- EducationQuizzes - www.educationquizzes.com FREE Covers KS3 and KS4 across a range of subjects including science, good source of online quizzing
- Tassomai - www.tassomai.com—PRICE ON APPLICATION App based testing, very popular with students and schools alike.
- Gojimo - www.gojimo.com/gcse-science-revision—FREE Another App based revision tool.
- My GCSE Science - www.my-gcsescience.com—COST Video tutorials covering the whole of the key stage four science curriculum, combined and separates.
- Quizlet - www.quizlet.com—SOME FREE Science flashcards, diagrams and study guides, includes videos
- Seneca - www.senecalearning.com FREE resources for science including links to YouTube clips, PowerPoint presentations, notes, etc.
Useful resources for students can also be found at TeacherToolkit here.
Since the last ‘T&LD’, a CPD calendar has been created and stored in Teams (link emailed). If you feel that you have time, spend some time exploring avenues of interest; perhaps those that link with your Study Group. They have been categorised, as far as possible, and this is a live document and will be amended as the weeks progress.
From the Last ‘T&LD’
- Read the ‘Teaching and Learning Policy’ and ensure that you understand all elements.
- Loan a book from our CPD library. The following titles underpin our new Teaching and Learning Policy and are well worth a read:
- Barak Rosenshine’s ‘Principles of Instruction’
- Ross Morrison McGill’s ‘Mark. Plan. Teach.’
- EEF reports: ‘Improving Literacy in Secondary Schools’, ‘Guide to the Pupil Premium’
- Alex Quigley’s ‘The Vocabulary Gap’
- David Didau’s ‘The Secret of Literacy’
- CPD activity as per departmental plan as part of the Study Group CPD initiative.
- Complete the Health and Safety CPD module, by accessing using the link to WLD Staff Team here.
- Teacher Toolkit - Try one of the home learning CPD sessions, offered by Teacher Toolkit. These can be booked through EventBrite here. Word of caution…they are not free!
- Seneca – Free CPD for teachers covering a number of areas:
- Explore the EEF and its Teaching and Learning Toolkit.
- Create a department directory of Tweeters worth following.
- Look at the Periodic Table of Tweeters.
- University of Chester are offering free taster sessions:
- FREE online Taster Sessions, week commencing Monday 20th April, for 5 consecutive days
- Topics to include:
- Introduction to Attachment
- The SEND Code of Practice 2015
- Understanding the Saturation Model
- Introduction to Autism
- Introduction to ADHD
- Teaching Learners with Dyslexia
- Teaching Learners with Dyscalculia
- Introduction to the Working Memory
- Introduction to the LASER Programme
- Low Arousal and Learning
- The Graduated Approach and Quality First Teaching
- Online CPD programme available in the summer term
- For more information, contact APPpartnership@chester.ac.uk
Free Online Resource Library for CPD, including podcasts and webinars.
Rosenshine’s ‘Principles of Instruction’ – Tom Sherrington (Teacherhead)
A range of resources available, including slides, YouTube talk-throughs and other CPD.
The Open University
The https://www.futurelearn.com/ has free courses that might be of interest at the moment. There are also lots on the Open Univeristy https://www.open.edu/openlearn/free-courses/full-catalogue.
Posted by Rachel Long
Category: Teaching and Learning Digests