1 December 2019

Image of 2nd December 2019

WoW: implications


Communication Focuses




  • Reading widely
  • Reading for pleasure
  • Spelling of subject-specific vocabulary
  • Use of WAGOLLs to model/scaffold (visualisers, mini-whiteboards)
  • Purposeful and structured communication with others

‘Advent: the arrival of a notable person or thing.’ Try our new WLD T&L Advent Calendar…available on the website!


Teaching and Learning Priorities

Climate for learning students will be enthused by their learning and will be focused, absorbed and attentive (DMC).

Vocabulary the words that we use and expect the students to be able to use in context, to succeed in their lives beyond Walton le Dale High School (ACH).

Purposeful Interactions by all if students are communicating, it must be purposeful allow their needs to be met.  Interactions should enhance the learning of ALL students at ALL times (CRO).

This Week:

  • NQTs – Meetings this week: TBC as it is enrichment day on Tuesday.
  • CPD for new staff and NQTs - SEND provision, Inclusion, IQM, Dyslexia-friendly status, TA support in lessons (MY, PH)
  • Voluntary CPD session on ClassCharts – Wednesday after school with PHO
  • Monday and Tuesday this week - Open Door Week continues!  Final push. It is a particularly hectic time of year with mocks and internal exams.  A ten minute wander can give you so much.  Remember to use your praise postcards to give to those who you visit.  Remember to take a raffle ticket if you visit someone or are ‘seen’.
  • Christmas Markets – Monday 9th after school in the dining room.  Stall-holders are invited to set up their stalls straight after school.  Offerings would also be gratefully received from bakers willing to bring in some sweet treats for the evening.

Reflect on Your Practice:

How many of Rosenshine’s Principles can you remember…test yourself!  How many do you use in lessons? 




17 Principles of Instruction

Managing Your Workload!

With the mock exam marking looming, many of us will be poised to burn the midnight oil to make sure that Christmas is a restful time (as it should be). With this in mind, make use of class feedback sheets when providing feedback on the exams. Here is one example, but there are many more available online:

Example Class Feedback Sheet

The Process:

  1. Simply add a mark to the paper, as usual.
  2. As you mark, note down any feedback, under specific headings
  3. Then copy this feedback sheet and give one to each student. 
  4. Students should then highlight the areas that apply to them. 
  5. MAD time will work to address these areas. 

This is a real time-saver and is a more effective use of time (EEF Toolkit outlines the high impact/low cost of effective feedback: +8 months).


Top Tip Schedule

Subject Heads, please ensure that someone from your department is ready to share a ‘Top Tip’ on the designated date. 
















Pastoral ClassCharts



Pastries and Progress

Open Door Week























CPD Cascade

Study Groups 2019-20

A reminder of the key focuses within departments:

  • Expressive Arts – improving engagement in Year 9
  • Computing – Developing the use of Teams to allow learning beyond the classroom
  • Mathematics – recall and retention
  • Art – Engagement of boys
  • English – use of knowledge organisers
  • MFL – Speaking examination – extended pupil responses; Listening and reading: developing confidence
  • Humanities - progress of middle attaining boys
  • PE  – Link between theory at KS3 and KS4
  • Technology – Developing the use of homework at KS3 to prepare students for KS4 course
  • Science – personalised learning plans for each student in each science.


Frayer Model – Teaching New Vocabulary

Following on from ACH’s Top Tip last week, a template and new way of working when teaching new vocabulary, was distributed via email.  Please ensure that you discuss the various elements of the word, as outlined in the Frayer Model.  It should give the vocabulary stickability!




Posted by Rachel Long

Category: Teaching and Learning Digests

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