1 December 2019
GCSE mock examinations: We wish our Year 11s all the very best in their mock examinations over the next week or so. These are an important marker in their preparation for success in the summer. Please would you remind everyone doing examinations that they must bring appropriate equipment (black pens, pencil, rubber, ruler). We will be giving out results in the form of a "mock results slip" at Parents' Evening on the 22nd January (not on the 8th January as currently advertised on the calendar). Teachers will of course give out numerical marks, go over papers and work on weak areas before that date.
Enrichment Day 2: This is on Tuesday this week and includes the Year 11 mock interviews along with a wide range of valuable activities for other year groups. Enrichment Days are always a highlight of the year - hard work, but well worth it.
Hothersall Lodge: Thanks to everyone who helped with the annual Hothersall Lodge trips for Year 7 last week. They had a great time - photos to follow! Thanks to parents/carers on Wednesday for your patience when we had mechanical issues with the bus returning from the trip.
Uniform: Thanks for ensuring that students stick to the school uniform policy. Hoodies are beginning to appear again under blazers in the cold weather - please be aware that they are not permitted in school - the policy says "Denim, leather, track suit, hooded tops, sweat shirts and other fashion garments are not allowed" - the policy is, as always, on the website here.
Please be aware of our regular "Career of the Week" ("Cartographer" this week) and our "Form powerpoints" which are always worth having a look at. Please also keep an eye on the school calendar.
If you haven't done so, please take a moment to register for the School Gateway app here (https://login.schoolgateway.com/0/auth/login) - the link is on the top bar of the website homepage. It gives you convenient access to messages and information from school.
Have a good week.
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates