9 June 2019
Year 7 Parents' Evening: This is on Wednesday this week (June 12th). Year 7 parents and carers had an initial "settling in" evening in October and then two termly reports on your child's progress, but this is the formal occasion on which you can discuss progress in each subject as the first year at WLD comes to an end. Year 7 are going to move into their new (Y8 to 11) forms in a few weeks and we are welcoming our new Year 7s in for their transition days later this month - the year goes round very swiftly! It may be the case that you have not been able to book an appointment with all of your child's teachers - this is entirely normal as some teachers teach large numbers of Year 7 - we are very happy to make alternative arrangements for you to be emailed, for example, with your child's progress in particular subjects. Please liaise with Miss Bailey, Head of Year 7, if this is appropriate for you.
Exam season: This is the final week of the GCSE examination season and the attitude of Year 11 has been excellent - we continue to wish them every success! They are expected to be in school for lessons and revision sessions in subjects that they have not yet completed and we will make provision for supervised revision in other lessons. The exam and revision timetables are here. We are looking forward to the Prom at Farrington Lodge on Thursday 27th June - photos from last year's prom are here.
Congratulations and thanks: Many thanks to our excellent team of Year 11 prefects, including the Head Boy and Girl, Matthew and Hannah, for all that they have contributed to the school. We welcome our new Head Girl and Boy, Charlotte Farnell and Sam Mills and their team of prefects. We wish them every success over the coming 12 months.
What does it mean to be part of the community at Walton-le-Dale? As I wrote last week I have been carrying out a fascinating survey with all our students - "Which 3 words would you consider most important in defining the character of a member of the community at Walton-le-Dale?". Thank you to those parents/carers who have contributed your ideas - please email me at head@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk in the next few days if you would like to join in the debate. I will summarise and circulate the students' views in the next few days.
Upcoming events - please keep an eye on the calendar. Year 7 Parents Evening is the Wednesday - the letter is on the website .... and please be aware of an upcoming INSET day on Friday 21st June when the school will be closed to students. Work experience week for Year 10 begins on the 1st July - photos from last year are here.
Our WLD Career of the Week is "Chemist". Our Thought for the Week is "Sports Day"
School Gateway: If you haven't registered for the School Gateway to get all your information about school in one place, please go to https://login.schoolgateway.com/0/auth/register
Have a good week ...
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates