27 May 2019

Image of WLD Update Sunday 2nd June 2019

"We Will Rock You": It was an amazing show!  Thanks to everyone who took part in, helped with and supported "We Will Rock You" - the memories of the performances will stay with many of us for a very long time (not least those of the 2 characters whose image is at the top of this blog!)...  Photos can be found here.

Exam season: I hope that everyone has had a chance to have a break this past week - it was a short, but very busy, half-term between Easter and May.  We have 2 more weeks of GCSEs - they are really packed in this year - and I am writing this from Borwick Hall where we have been revising with a number of our Year 11s over this weekend.  Please be aware that Year 11 need to be in all lessons and revision sessions for subjects that they have not completed.  This means that most students will be in school more or less full time until June 14th. In the end, we all want the very best outcomes for all our young people....

What does it mean to be part of the community at Walton-le-Dale? At the start of this half-term we are taking a look at the skills and attributes that characterise someone who is a member of our school community (staff or student) with a view to reinforcing these consistently across the school.  We are undoubtedly a community with a very strong and distinctive ethos. Our website says that "At Walton-le-Dale, we believe education can change children’s lives. We also believe that education is for life and is more than preparing students for exams. We want our students to leave with the best exam results possible, but we also want them to leave us as well rounded people. We want our students to live effectively, now and in the future, as individuals, members of groups and in society at large, with due respect for their community and the environment."  I am consulting with students and with staff about the defining characteristics and I would be interested in your views.  The following image gives a set of words that are considered to be important in our ethos - the question is "Which 3 words would you consider most important in defining the character of a member of the community at Walton-le-Dale?"


Please email your views to the usual address....head@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk.  Many thanks for your time.

Upcoming events - please keep an eye on the calendar.  Year 7 Parents Evening is on Wed 12th June - the letter is on the website ....  and please be aware of an upcoming INSET day on Friday 21st June when the school will be closed to students.

Our WLD Career of the Week is "Zookeeper".  Our Thought for the Week is "Reflection" 

Have a good week ...

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates