22 March 2019

Image of WLD Update Sunday 24th March 2019

Walking around school: One of the great privileges of my job is that I get to walk around school each day, dropping into lessons.  It is always a dose of sanity in my day to see how well our students are learning and how much effort our teachers and other staff put in to ensuring that each of our young people is brilliantly taught and exceptionally well supported.  I show lots of visitors and prospective parents around school and everyone comments on the calm atmosphere and the warmth of the relationships between all the members of our community;

Uniform - shoe inspection:  We have deliberately made our uniform simple, smart and economical.  The thing about school uniform is that is the same across all students so we are quite strict about people who deliberately choose to flout the clear uniform guidelines.  Shoes are always a particular issue, partly because they are quite expensive to replace when damaged.  We understand that and will give students appropriate notes for a few days as necessary. Likewise some students have medical conditions which mean that they need to wear different footwear - that is absolutely understood.  The inspection on Monday is necessary because we have a number of students who just decide not to wear school shoes - excuses such as "they are in my bag" or "I am playing football at lunchtime" are common and unfortunately not acceptable.  Please speak to your son or daughter about having the right footwear. Given that almost all schools have uniform it is important that everyone keeps to the guidelines.  Many thanks for your support.

Year 11 Revision plan:  This week is "Week 5" (of 11) - if you are the parent or carer of a Year 11 please make sure that they are using the plan - it is not too late to get this underway!  Please also check the Easter school arrangements so that you know which days your son or daughter needs to be in school over the Easter break.

Upcoming events - please keep an eye on the calendar

Our WLD Career of the Week is "Aerospace Engineer".  Our Thought for the Week is "Fake News"

Have a good week ...

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates