29 March 2019
This week's update is necessarily focused on examinations....! The picture above, however, is of Charlotte Cirino receiving her HART Highly Commended award from Baroness Cox in London on Monday - read more here.
"Exam season": We are entering the part of the school year that contains the major public (GCSE) examinations. GCSE PE moderation is this week, Art examinations are immediately upon our return from the Easter break, French speaking exams begin on the 29th April and then we are into the major GCSE series. It comes around very quickly! The key to success is calm, steady preparation - as I say to Year 11 the key is in the training! Following the revision guide, carefully planning their work, exercise, relaxation and plenty of sleep are key to success. Everyone at school will support Year 11s as they tackle these critical examinations - we have been here before! Please keep in touch with your son or daughter's mentor so that we can help our young people stay calm and succeed....
Basic equipment: Many thanks for your support in ensuring that we have school uniform shoes across school following our shoe inspection last week. We are also noticing problems with students not having basic equipment for learning (pen, pencil, ruler) - some of our students are regularly turning up without a pen. We will therefore be checking basic equipment on the first day back after the Easter break - Tuesday 23rd April - please help us by ensuring that your son or daughter has the basic equipment for lessons.
Year 11 Revision plan: This week is "Week 6" (of 11) - if you are the parent or carer of a Year 11 please make sure that they are using the plan. Please also check the Easter school arrangements so that you know which days your son or daughter needs to be in school over the Easter break.
Year 10 examinations: These are coming up quickly (they start on the 7th May). Year 10 will have revision materials over the Easter break.
Upcoming events - please keep an eye on the calendar:
Our WLD Career of the Week is "Broadcast Engineer". Our Thought for the Week is "Autism Awareness Week"
Have a good week ...
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates