18 November 2018

Image of WLD Update Sunday 18th November 2018

Staff changes

It has been wonderful to see the interest in the Deputy Headteacher post that has arisen due to the retirement of Mrs Laverty at the end of the year.  She will be much missed, but a lot of people want to replace her!  I have shown nearly 30 people around the school and have received 40 strong applications.  Shortlisting is on Friday and interviews are on the 4th and 5th of December.  It is a real indication of the culture and ethos of the school that we are attracting so many strong applications for such a significant position.

On that note, Mrs Hinchliffe, the school manager and Headteacher's PA, is retiring at Christmas after many years of service to the school.  She will be missed by everyone and applications for the Head's PA/Cover Manager aspects of her role close on Friday this week.  Please see the "Vacancies" section of the website if you, or anyone you know, is interested in joining the team at Walton-le-Dale.

Latest News

Please keep an eye on Twitter and the "Latest News" section of the website to find out what is going on.  As an example, our Amnesty club have been creating Peace Poles to mark the centenary of the end of WW1 and 80 years of the Human Rights Act (https://www.waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/news). 

Major upcoming events

Wednesday 21st November (Wednesday this week) - Year 10 Parents' Evening - this is a vital first feedback to you on how your son or daughter is doing in their GCSE courses;

Monday 26th - Wednesday 28th November - Year 7 trips to Hothersall Lodge - the letter with detailed arrangements is on  the website here 

Thursday 29th and Friday 30th November - school closed for staff training days.

Monday 3rd December - Year 11 mock examinations begin

Picture News

We are always seeking ways to encourage our students to take an interest in the wider world and to read.  With this in mind we are subscribing to a service called "Picture News" and we will email out a newsletter from them each week.  If it is appropriate to your child it would be very useful to spend some time encouraging them to read the newsletter and discussing it with you.

WLD Thought for the Week:  "Inspirational People"  (https://www.waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/curriculum/thought-for-the-week

WLD Career of the Week: In a new initiative as part of our careers education we are focusing on a career each week. This week it is "Carpenter" and these can be found here (https://www.waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/care-support-guidance/careers-guidance/career-of-the-week)

To conclude....

7Red have been writing poetry in response to our "Thoughts for the Week" - you can find some of the poems here.  Here is just one which I think is wonderful....  

Respect by Millie Delafield 7R

Respect is a lesson that everyone should learn.
Respect must be given before an expected return.
Respect is something that is given free.
Respect is about us, never about me.
Respect builds character and defines who we are.
Respect sets the standards and raises the bar.
If we can’t respect each other,
How can we expect others to respect us?
If we can’t respect someone’s beliefs,
How can they respect ours?


There is nothing more to say!


Have a good week...


James Harris



P.S. The cake in the image at the top of this message was also made by 7Red as part of their act of remembrance.

Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates