25 November 2018

Image of WLD Update Sunday 25th November 2018

Uganda Charity Projects - Project25Zero and Chilli Children

We had the pleasure and privilege of listening to Ian Richardson speak to our Year 7 about his involvement in two charity projects (Project25Zero and Chilli Children) in Uganda and how we can get involved.  Last year's Year 7 raised lots of money for Project25Zero. For more information see the news item on the website (https://www.waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/news/2018-11-22-charity-projects-2018-a-message-from-our-charity-partner)

Dance Festival

One of the great privileges of being a headteacher is that I get to see the wide range of activities in which our students are involved.  One of the highlights of this week was undoubtedly attending the Lancashire Dance Festival at the GuildHall and watching the fantastic performance by our Year 11s - choreographed entirely by themselves, I believe!  There are some pictures on Twitter (@WLDHighSchool) if you missed it....  On that note we love to celebrate the achievements and efforts of all of students and I am more than happy to put images and notes on the website to celebrate things that happen outside school - only this week we received information about the successes of three of our students who are national standard gymnasts!   

Mock Exams

These start next Monday (3rd December).  All students should know what is coming up - we have emailed out the timetable and the revision topics to all parents/carers - if there are any queries or requests for more revision resources, please contact us at school.

Major upcoming events

  • Monday 26th - Wednesday 28th November - Year 7 trips to Hothersall Lodge this week;
  • Thursday 29th and Friday 30th November - school closed for staff training days this week.
  • Monday 3rd December - Year 11 mock examinations begin
  • Thursday 6th December - Enrichment Day 2
  • Friday 7th December - "Santa Dash" in aid of St Catherine's Hospice

Regular updates


To conclude....

More poetry by Millie Delafield 7R - "Reflecting"

Black Friday is greed 
We buy things we don't need 
The true Christmas meaning is gone, 
It's about caring for everyone.

People think it's about the money 
Other's think it's presents, 
But it mostly represents 
Spending time with your family. 

Families come in different shapes and sizes, 
But it's selfishness on Black Friday 
Make sure you make it fun, 
Because Christmas will soon be done!


Have a good week...

James Harris





Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates