12 May 2023
There are a number of key pieces of information this week, most importantly the start of the GCSE exam season.
All years
Please can I draw your attention back to the following communication sent to parents in January regarding parking:
Dear Parent/Carer
Please see message below regarding parking on the Old Mill Industrial Estate:
I am writing on behalf of the landlord at Old Mill Industrial Estate who are planning on starting major works on the estate in the coming weeks, with initial stages starting as early as next week (W/C 30th January 2023.). The works will include upwards of 70 HGVs and other industrial vehicles passing through the Brindle Road entrance to our site.
I am sure you are aware that, come pick up time at Walton-le-Dale High School, many of the parents will park on our estate. We have not flagged this with yourselves in the past as there has been enough parking for our tenants and as such we have endeavoured to keep the peace. However, we feel obliged to inform you of the upcoming works and the danger this poses to your students.
Due to Health & Safety concerns, with hazards now increasing on site, it would be unsafe for any parents to continue to park on our estate. It is for this reason I ask that you communicate to the parents & students of your school that they please refrain from parking on Old Mill Industrial Estate for the foreseeable future.
Standards of uniform have improved significantly over the past few weeks. We do not expect parents to buy new school skirts at this point in the academic year and we are trying to source affordable, knee length pleated skirts which we can sell in house, ready for September. We are experiencing several students who are being reminded repeatedly to tuck shirts in or roll down skirts. From next week we shall track these incidents on Classcharts and impose sanctions once students reach 5 misdemeanors. For example, we will loan trousers to girls who have been reprimanded 5 times for rolling their skirt up.
Years 9 & 10
College Taster Days: Letters have out to parents for the upcoming taster days to Preston and Runshaw Colleges in June. Consent and medical information needs to be completed via parentpay please.
Year 11
Exams: Formal GCSE examinations start next Monday, 15th May – Students have been reminded of the requirements for the examinations, including the need for full school uniform, no watches or mobile phones. Please ensure your child has the relevant equipment and any water bottles need to be clear ones with labels removed.
Good luck year 11. Work hard and do your best.
National Citizen Service Opportunity: Please see email sent out regarding this.
May Half Term Revision sessions: Year 11 History students - please see email sent out regarding History revision session over half term.
Prom: Places for the Year 11 Prom must be paid in full by Monday 15th May 2023, after this date the option to pay the remaining cost and reserve a ticket will no longer be available on Parent Pay.
Posted by Vicky Ardern