18 November 2022
Some practicalities this week....
All years
- Reminder that school is closed for INSET Days next Thursday 24th and Friday 25th November.
- Attendance: It is important that your child is in school and on time every day. Where possible, please book any appointments outside of school hours. Depending on the nature of the appointment, we will usually authorise half a day, and evidence of appointments will be required. You can email these to: attendance@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk
Year 9
- DTP&M/ACWY vaccinations: Please see email sent out regarding these vaccinations in February 2023. Please complete the e-consent form by midnight on 24th November 2022. Any queries please contact the Immunisation Team on Telephone Number 0333 358 3397 option 3 followed by option 1.
Year 10
- Year 10 Progress Evening, Wednesday 30th November: Bookings are now open and can be made using the link here
Year 11
- Year 11 Mock Revision: Please continue to support your child as they approach their mock exams by encouraging them to complete their revision activities in their red revision books. Their form tutors will be checking in with them regularly. The Mock Examinations start on Monday, 28th November and the timetable can be found on the website here
Have a good weekend!
Best wishes
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates