11 November 2022
Good afternoon,
There has been a significant reduction in people shouting at us this week, which has been lovely! We have tried just as hard to resolve issues that are raised with us and it has been good that people have been calm and rational with all our staff. Thank you.
There was an unfortunate matter this morning where an ambulance had problems accessing Sollam's Close (next to school) because of people dropping students off for school. Our neighbours on Sollam's Close have a right to be able to expect an ambulance to access them as required so please avoid parking or dropping students off there. Drop your son or daughter off a bit further down the road and get them to walk the last bit. Many thanks
The PE department have started a great initiative of asking the team captain, or other team member, to write a short account of each fixture for the website. You will find the first few in the News section of our website.
All years
- Additional Bank Holiday: As you have probably seen in the press, in order to commemorate the coronation of King Charles III an extra Bank Holiday has been confirmed for Monday, 8th May 2023. School will be closed on that day.
- Reading matters to our students: It matters because not being able to read will affect students’ lives beyond the classroom. We are striving to develop our students into life-long readers by promoting reading for pleasure. Please encourage your child, even if it is for just 5 minutes per evening.
- All Year 7s are given time to read in form. They are to carry a book with them at all times.
- In Year 7 form time, we are trialling a new initiative whereby the teacher reads to the form. So far, this has been successful.
- Every week, there is a Word of the Week which focuses on students’ comprehension (understanding) skills; there is also a short article incorporating this word.
- Every half-term, all students are set an ASPIRE reading challenge through Classcharts. Students receive positive Classcharts points for completing this activity.
- All of the curriculum maps (here) outline the reading skills to be taught.
- A wider reading list of texts is available on the website here and allows students to ‘read around’ their topic
- Only 1 in 8 schools currently have libraries. Our library has just been refurbished and is open at break time, lunch time and after school. There are comfortable bean-bags for students to relax in with a good book.
- The stock in the library is updated regularly and we have a Mental Health section as well as seasonal reads.
- All teachers are using a reciprocal reading approach (we call it ‘Reading Warriors’) to ensure that all students are engaging with a text and understanding it. The four skills developed are: clarify (new vocabulary); question; summarise; predict.
- Where reading is a barrier to learning, intervention is offered.
- Appointment of Governors: Following the governor election process, we can confirm that Mrs Coates and Mr Shuttleworth will be appointed as Parent Governors.
Year 7
- Year 7 Activity Day: Wednesday, 16th November: Please see link here to letter about our Year 7 Activity Day next week. (please can the attached be uploaded on the Communication page)
Year 9
- DTP&M/ACWY vaccinations: Please see email sent out regarding these vaccinations in February 2023. Please complete the e-consent form by midnight on 24th November 2022. Any queries please contact the Immunisation Team on Telephone Number 0333 358 3397 option 3 followed by option 1.
Year 10
- Year 10 Work Experience: Week commencing 3rd July 2023 - Please see email sent out on 8th November. If you have not received it, please contact Miss Minton on j.minton@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk
Year 11
- Year 11 Mock Revision: Please continue to support your child as they approach their mock exams by encouraging them to complete their revision activities in their red revision books. Their form tutors will be checking in with them regularly. The Mock Examination timetable has been emailed home and can also be found on the website here.
Have a good weekend.
Best wishes
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates