21 October 2022
It has been a really successful half-term! A particular well done to our new Year 7s who are tired at the end of their first half-term at high school. We had our first ASPIRE day of the year yesterday and our students got a huge amount from the activities that were provided - from languages and culture, through Duke of Edinburgh to a very big careers fair and careers "speed networking" event. Many thanks to all the members of staff who contributed so much to the day. We had more than 60 visitors on site, contributing to the education of our students in various ways. it was lovely to hear the positive comments from visitors, students and staff.
A small number of notices this week...
- FSM Vouchers: These will be issued direct and should arrive around 24th October; £15 per child for one week.
- Attendance: Students need to be in school before the bell goes at 8.45am. If they arrive after the bell, they will be put onto break-time detention. Please encourage your child to get their equipment and uniform ready the night before, and to leave the house early enough to catch the bus. If you have any questions regarding your child's attendance, please contact Mrs Gorrill: attendance@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk
- History Residential trip to Suffolk - Monday 24th October: Please see email sent out earlier in the week regarding time changes.
- Contact with school: Please be aware that normal contact with school will not operate during the half-term break. The main email address head@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk will be monitored infrequently. Should you require urgent safeguarding support you will find the contact numbers of the relevant agencies on our website here.
Years 10 & 11
- Please see the email sent out from Miss Minton, our Careers Coordinator, regarding careers opportunities.
We look forward to seeing everyone back at the usual time on Monday 31 October.
Best wishes
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates