14 October 2022

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers - Saturday 15 October 2022

Good afternoon and apologies for the delay in the bulletin this week - not enough hours in Friday!

Following the retirement of Mrs Withers in July following serious illness, I am delighted to announce that Mrs Brown, currently Assistant Headteacher at Ormskirk School, has been appointed as Assistant Headteacher at our school from January 2023.  We had a very strong field of applicants, which was lovely. Lots of students were involved in the selection process over two days this week and were an outstanding credit to themselves, their families and the school.

All year groups

  • Parent Governors: We really value the input of our parents into the governing body and the time has come for nominations and elections of parent governors.  You will find all the documentation here - the deadline for nominations is 12 noon on Monday, 31st October.  If you would like an informal conversation about what might be involved in this role, please contact me at school.
  • Bus Passes: Following on from the notice last week, students who travel on the school buses (Moving People and School Minibus) must have a valid green bus pass which must be shown mornings and afternoons, students without a valid pass will NOT be able to use the school bus.  Replacement passes must be purchased via Parentpay if lost, misplaced or forgotten.  
  • Attendance: Did you know that every student in school has the opportunity to earn themselves three attendance badges throughout the school year? BRONZE = One term with 100%, SILVER = Two terms with 100%, and GOLD = Three terms with 100% - We would love to present as many badges as possible at the end of term! 
  • Teen Book Club: Please see email sent out earlier in the week regarding our new Scholastic Book Club.
  • Homework support:  Please encourage your son or daughter to make use of homework support which runs each afternoon after school in A7.

Year 9

  • Aspire Day - Thursday, 20th October: Please can year 9 students attend in their own suitable outdoor clothing on Thursday, 20th October for our Aspire Day.  Sporty attire or PE clothing that they are happy to get wed/muddy.

Year 11

  • Year 11 Revision starts now (notice from Mrs Long (Deputy Headteacher)): This week, Year 11 have had an assembly on their 'roadmap' for the coming months leading up to their examinations.  Their mock exams are fast-approaching, with only 23 school days to go.  They have been provided with revision materials to help them to get organised for the weeks and months ahead.  Please encourage them to use these materials at home to help them to know and remember more. Year 11 Form Tutors will also be closely monitoring their revision, along with their class teachers.  It is a real team effort.

Have a good weekend,

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates