15 July 2022
Good afternoon,
Several lovely events this past week - Year 7 Parents' Evening, the "Summer Sounds" music event and Sports Day today - it has been quite a week! We have also received our Inclusion Quality Mark annual review which makes fantastic reading - "the school has continued to move from strength to strength in terms of its inclusive practice".
As we head into the final week of term there are number of important notices:
All years
- Hot weather: This message was sent out on Thursday: We have weather warnings for it being very warm from Sunday onwards. With that in mind, as we did a few years ago during a similar period, students are allowed to wear their school PE kit as an alternative to their school uniform from Monday. They may wear their blazer over their PE kit if they wish. The options for them are school PE kit or school uniform (without tie or blazer), not their own clothes. No leggings, no hoodies or other jumpers, school tracksuits only. Students are welcome to wear hats or caps outside the buildings and they are strongly encouraged to bring refillable water bottles and suncream. They will be encouraged to seek shade at break and lunchtime and they will be expected to take a calm and sensible approach to the heat. These arrangements will remain in place until the end of term on Friday.
- Trips Day - Thursday 21st July: This is a non-uniform day but students must dress respectfully - no crop tops, for example. For those students staying in school, please make sure your child is dressed for the relevant activity. Best white trainers will be no good for gardening! For football, students will need a change of shoes for the MUGA and shin pads - if your child doesn't bring them, they will not be allowed to play. Blackpool Pleasure Beach - just a reminder that this trip is due back to school for around 6pm.
- Attendance: If your child is too sick to attend school, please phone the attendance line before 9.30am, with the reason for your child's absence. We request that you inform school EVERY DAY of your child's absence. Failure to provide a reason for an absence will result in unauthorised absences, which in turn may lead to a Fixed Penalty Notice from the Local Authority. If you have any questions regarding your child's attendance, please contact Mrs Gorrill: attendance@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk
- Parental Controls booklet: We have received some useful information for all parents and carers about how to keep their child safe online - please see the link here for the Parental Controls Booklet: https://www.knowsleyclcs.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Parental-Controls-booklet-2022.pdf
- School closure for the summer break: Reminder that the school will close at 12:20 to students on Friday, 22nd July and will reopen on Friday, 2nd September.
- Support over the summer break: Our school website gives details of external agencies to contact should you need support over the summer break, Please be aware that staff will not be checking their email - the main head@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk address will be checked weekly, but individual email addresses will not be monitored.
- Lost property: all lost property that has been handed in to D2 will be taken to the Dining Hall on Tuesday, 19th July during break time. After that we will be disposing / taking the remaining items to charity.
Year 8 and 9
- Reminder that the Immunisation Team will be in on Tuesday, 19th July for the HPV catch-ups for Year 8 and Year 9 students.
Have a very good weekend and stay safe in the hot weather,
Best wishes
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates