8 July 2022
Good afternoon,
Year 10 have been a credit to themselves, their families and the school - we have had great feedback from both the "in person" and "virtual" work experience opportunities this week. Yesterday evening was our Prom for our outgoing Year 11s - a wonderful event at the Tipis in Riley Green - we will share the photos via the website in the coming week or so. Today there has been a community party in the Arts Theatre for some of our Year 7s and their relatives. It is lovely to have these events, occasions and opportunities back in the school calendar and many thanks to everyone who works so hard behind the scenes to make them happen...
All years
- Attendance: If your child is too sick to attend school, please phone the attendance line before 9.30am, with the reason for your child's absence. We request that you inform school EVERY DAY of your child's absence. Failure to provide a reason for an absence will result in unauthorised absences, which in turn may lead to a Fixed Penalty Notice from the Local Authority. If you have any questions regarding your child's attendance, please contact Mrs Gorrill: attendance@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk
- Online Safety: Please see the link here for this month's Online Safety Newsletter
- Sports Day - Friday, 15th July: Walton-le-Dale pupils are walking 500 miles for the Winston’s Wish Charity, which supports grieving children and young people. This is a charity close to our hearts as recently we have had pupils within our school community lose someone important to them. Every day more than 100 children in the UK are bereaved of a mum or dad, and sadly this number increased due to the pandemic. Winston’s Wish Charity gives young people the support and hope that things can get better. Please see our link here for the news article: https://www.waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/news/2022-07-05-winston-s-wish-walk-sports-day We would be very grateful if you could support this excellent charity.
- "Summer Sounds at Walton-le-Dale" concert: This will take place in school on Thursday, 14th July from 6pm. Tickets are available to buy for £3 on Parentpay under "pay for other items". Please purchase by 11th July.
Year 7
- Parents/Carers Evening - Wednesday, 13th July: This is in school from 4.30-7pm. Bookings are still open and appointments can be booked using this link.
Year 8
- HPV vaccination: The immunisation team will be back in school on Tuesday, 19th July to do the year 8 HPV catchups.
Take every chance to relax this weekend!
Best wishes
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates