17 June 2022

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers - Friday 17 June 2022

A range of notices and updates about various things this week - it is a busy time of year!

All years

  • Attendance - from Mrs Gorrill, our attendance officer: It is important that your child is in school and on time every day. Where possible, please book any appointments outside of school hours. Depending on the nature of the appointment, we will usually authorise half a day, and evidence of appointments will be required. You can email these to: attendance@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk 
  • New school ties: On the first day back in September we will be swapping existing ties for the new ones for no charge, so please ensure your child continues to have a correct school tie up until the end of term.  We will charge for new ties where the old ones are not in a wearable condition (broken clip, drawn-on etc...)
  • Shin pads - notice from Mr Moore, Head of PE: For Sports Day (Friday 15th July), students will need shin pads for football in the morning. Without shin pads students will be not be able to play.  This is not a rule unique to our school - it is the case across all schools in our area.
  • Air Cadets Open Evening - Thursday 23 June:  Please see the poster here.
  • Families of students using Moving People School Buses: Please see email sent out on Tuesday  Due to driver shortages, Moving People have requested the changes. This started on the afternoon of 14th June, this will only affect the afternoon routes, the morning buses will stay as they are.  Week beginning the 27th June the 505 service will operate on the double decker only, the year 7 bus will not run for this week only. If you have not received the email, please contact school.
  • Primary Day:  Reminder to all parents & carers that the school will be closed to students on Friday 1 July for our Primary Day

Year 8

  • HPV Vaccinations - Tuesday 21st June - from Mrs Hodgson: The immunisation team will be in school on Tuesday to deliver the 1st dose of the HPV vaccine to year 8's.  Thank you if you have already filled in the online consent form, but if your child has brought a consent form home for authorising, please send it back to school by Tuesday morning. Many thanks.

Year 9

  • Prestons College Taster Day - Tuesday, 28th June: This trip is designed to give the students an insight into the courses and facilities available at college and, whether they are considering Preston College specifically or not, it is a great learning experience for all. We will leave school at 9am and return to school for 3pm, therefore please can you ensure your child arrives at school on time and in full school uniform. If you have not already done so, please consent on parentpay by Monday, 20th June.

Year 10

  • Runshaw College Taster Day : Monday 20th June.  All students to be in full uniform.

Year 11

  • Year 11 Leavers' Assembly:  Please see message sent out on Thursday about Year 11 Leavers' Assembly - all year 11 students will sign out of school at 12.30 and therefore will not be able to catch the school bus home.

Have a good weekend,

Best wishes

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates