12 June 2022
Good afternoon,
Firstly, apologies for this being sent at the weekend - I had to leave school earlier than usual on Friday so I didn't send this at the normal time. We have had a really good start to the half-term with a very positive atmosphere in school. Year 11 have been amazing in their attitude and approach to their exams. We are battling slightly with uniform with a small number of students - please make sure that, if your son or daughter is without an item of uniform temporarily, that you send them in with an appropriate note indicating when the item will be replaced. Trainers and leggings are not part of school uniform....
All Years
- Parking on Brindle Road: If you park on Brindle Road to collect your son or daughter, please be careful not to block drives. In particular, please avoid blocking the entrance to 28 Brindle Road due to ambulance access being needed at all times.
- Attendance (from Mrs Gorrill, our attendance officer): We have an increasing number of absences from school due to students missing the bus and being unable to get to school. These types of absences are 'unauthorised' and can result in parents receiving a Fixed Penalty Notice from the Local Authority. Please make sure your child is up early enough to catch the bus on time. Lateness to school will result in a breaktime detention.
- Note to all parents whose children catch the school minibus: The school minibus for the afternoon journey will be unavailable on the following dates due to the Year 10 Geography Field Trip: Thursday, 16th June and Tuesday 21st June. Please arrange alternative arrangements for this journey as we cannot guarantee the minibus will be back for the end of the day.
- Trips Day - 21st July: Unfortunately, due to a lack of interest we have had to cancel Hothersall Lodge, the Happa Horse Sanctuary, Lancaster Castle and Cheshire Oaks. Places are still available on the other trips - Manchester Art Gallery; Trafford Centre; Ribble Valley and the in-house activities. Please see parentpay for details.
Year 7
- Bushcraft Residential: Please see email sent out earlier this week regarding the webinar on Monday, 13th June at 5pm.
Year 10
- Runshaw College Taster Day: Please see the letter which has been sent out for all year 10 students to attend Runshaw College Taster Day on Monday, 20th June.
- GCSE Computer Science trip 29th June: If your child wishes to attend the this trip, please consent and pay on Parentpay by next Thursday, 16th June.
Year 11
- Independent study: Following on from the email last week, please complete the online form (if not already done so) to consent to your child leaving school after their exam to revise independently. Students are expected to attend all lessons in subjects where they have not completed the examinations so whether they can sign out will depend upon how far away they live and whether they can return for any appropriate lessons. They are leaving site to revise independently, not to go to the shop or the park!
- Message from Miss Royal (Careers Co-ordinator): Are you (or your son/daughter) looking for an apprenticeship, training or a job? There is a Recruitment Roadshow event on 15th June 2022. 1pm - 7pm at the Civic Centre, West Paddock, Leyland PR25 1DH. Stands at the event include Lancashire Police, NHS England, Chorley Council and South Ribble Council- and they are all currently recruiting! For more information and to book follow the link - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/south-ribble-recruitment-roadshow-tickets-34199836531
Have a good week,
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates