5 June 2022
Walkthru Cluster: |
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Walkthru: |
Reflecting on the year
So, we are entering our final half-term of the year. Students are underway with final examinations. School leaders begin to evaluate systems and actions from the previous year to inform planning for the next academic year. Every effective teacher will begin to evaluate their own practice within the classroom. Cast your mind back over the Walkthrus that we have covered this year – which of these are your winners? Walkthru Cluster and School Focus – Behaviour and Relationships 6th September: Establish your expectations 13th September: Signal, Pause, Insist 20th September: Sherrington’s Visit 27th September: Choices and Consequences Walkthru Cluster and School Focus – Questioning and Feedback 4th October: Cold Calling 11th October: Show-me Boards 18th October: Say it Again Better 1st November: Process Questions 8th November: Feedback that Moves Forward 15th November: Think-Pair-Share 22nd November: Check for Understanding 29th November: Probing Questions 8th December: Whole-class Feedback Walkthru Cluster and School Focus – Explaining and Modelling 4th January: Deliberate Vocabulary Development 10th January: Worked Examples 17th January: Dual Coding 24th January: whole-school CPD workshops 31st January: Worked Examples 8th February: Scaffolding 21st February: Scaffolding 7th March: Metacognitive Talk 14th March: Setting the Standards 21st March: Head on Misconceptions Walkthru Cluster and School Focus – Oracy and Writing 19th April: Mode B Teaching: Collaborative Talk 26th April: Collaborative Learning – General Principles 3rd May: Mode B Teaching: Instructional Inputs 10th May: Independent Learning – Pre-Reading 17th May: Debating
So, this is what we have covered so far this year. It goes without saying that some Walkthrus will have slotted into your practice more easily than others. However, isn’t it also the case that it is worth spending the time ensuring that those approaches outside of our comfort zone are worth trying precisely because they are outside of our comfort zone? These approaches are evidence-based tried and tested approaches, after all.
This half-term, evaluate, reflect, hone, sharpen and create your own Walthrus Toolkit. Which Walkthrus are now an established part of your practice and which are not but are worth spending the time embedding?
CPD Cascade |
‘Get Ahead’ CPD ProgrammeRemember to complete the CPD activities in time for September. They are saved in The National College as part of your watch list.
National CollegeRemember that there are subject-specific watchlists available in National College. Some staff still haven’t accessed. Please see RLO urgently if you cannot access |
Posted by Rachel Long
Category: Teaching and Learning Digests