27 May 2022
Good afternoon,
Year 11 have been fantastic in their attitude to their GCSEs - they are a credit to themselves, their families and the school. I will send out arrangements for after half-term towards the end of the coming week. Basically we will require students to be in their exams and any lessons in subjects that they haven't completed. If you give permission they will be able to study from home during the lessons where they have finished the examinations. Alternatively they can of course study in school. This will need to be done on a case by case basis as some students travel significantly further than others! More details will follow towards the end of next week, before we return.
All years
- Attendance (from Mrs Gorrill, our attendance officer): We have an increasing number of absences from school due to students missing the bus and being unable to get to school. These types of absences are 'unauthorised' and can result in parents receiving a Fixed Penalty Notice from the Local Authority. Please make sure your child is up early enough to catch the bus on time. Lateness to school will result in a breaktime detention.
- Operation Encompass: please see the letter on our website here
- Online Safety Newsletter: The coming month's edition is on our website here
- Trips Day - 21st July: Unfortunately, due to a lack of interest we have had to cancel Hothersall Lodge, the Happa Horse Sanctuary and Lancaster Castle. Blackpool Pleasure Beach is now full, however there are still places on the other trips - Manchester Art Gallery; Trafford Centre; Cheshire Oaks; Ribble Valley and the in-house activities. Please see parentpay for details.
- FSM Vouchers: These have been issued by the usual means to cover the half-term week. Any issues with them, please email Mrs Eckersley on s.eckersley@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk
Year 11
- Prom: Over 100 tickets have now been sold to our students and we have had a late rush of enquiries for tickets so we are extending the deadline for payment until Sunday 5 June to give anyone else who wants to come the chance to join us. It is always a fabulous evening!
- Message from Miss Royal (Careers Co-ordinator): Are you (or your son/daughter) looking for an apprenticeship, training or a job? There is a Recruitment Roadshow event on June 15th 2022. 1pm - 7pm at the Civic Centre, West Paddock, Leyland PR25 1DH. Stands at the event include Lancashire Police, NHS England, Chorley Council and South Ribble Council- and they are all currently recruiting! For more information and to book follow the link - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/south-ribble-recruitment-roadshow-tickets-34199836531
I wish all our students and their families a good week. It is a good time for all students to review their learning from last half term (everything is on Teams) and prepare for the coming months. Year 11, of course, need to do lots of revision! We look forward to seeing everyone again at the usual time on Monday 5 June.
Best wishes
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates