7 January 2022

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers - Friday 7 January 2022

It has been lovely to see everyone back, in stages, this week. The COVID testing process was handled well and only one positive case was identified.  There have been far more positive points on Classcharts than negative (81% positive so far this week) and the school is settling calmly back into the New Year.  

All year groups

  • Uniform:  Please be aware that one of our focuses for the coming week is student uniform.  Please ensure that your son or daughter comes to school in the correct uniform - there are no changes to our uniform policy.
  • Message from Mr Moore (Head of PE): Please note that if a student fails to bring their PE kit to school, refuses to borrow a kit or refuses to participate in PE then the PE Department will be following school policy's regarding lesson participation and kit. A copy of this can be found on our website here.
  • ASPIRE Day 3 (2 Feb):  For our next ASPIRE day we are giving the students a wide range of enrichment opportunities to choose from.  Please discuss them with your son or daughter - this list is on the website here
  • 2nd Covid Vaccination: Following on from information sent out earlier in the week, we have today been advised that the nurses will be in school on Thursday, 27th January to deliver the 2nd vaccination for children aged 12-15.  Please complete the consent form which can be found here to indicate whether or not you would like your child vaccinating. Further information can also be found on the website.  Please can your child bring the completed form back to hand in to their form tutor by Wednesday, 26th January.

Year 7

  • Residential Trip: Your child would have received a letter before Christmas about the residential trip in July.  A copy can be accessed on our website here.

Year 9

  • KS4 Options: Please see letter on the website here for more information about the upcoming Year 9 Options Process 2022

Year 11

  • Parents' and Carers' Evening:  Reminder that it is year 11 Virtual Parents' and Carers' Evening on Wednesday, 19th January 4.30-7pm.  Please see the link here for further information with details on how to book. We have also arranged that you can book appointments with our local colleges for that evening through the same system.  We will be releasing the mock examination results to parents at that evening as well.
  • College applications: Please see the email from Miss Royal.
  • Update to Parents and Carers regarding examinations: this was issued earlier in the week and can be found on the website here.

Have a good weekend!

Best wishes

James Harris



Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates