30 December 2021

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers - 30 December 2021

Firstly, I hope that you have had a good Christmas and I wish you and your family a Happy New Year!  As the start of the new term approaches, just a small number of practicalities...

Staggered start due to COVID testing:  As we said at the end of last term, due to the requirement to test students on their return Years 7 and 11 will return next Tuesday (4th Jan), they will be joined by Years 8 and 10 on Wednesday (5th Jan) and by Year 9 on Thursday (6th Jan) at which point the whole school will be back.

COVID safety:  The guidance for schools has not changed since 14 December so it is important that students wear face coverings in communal spaces such as corridors.  The wearing of face coverings on school transport continues to be required.

Uniform:  Please ensure that your son or daughter returns to school in the correct uniform.  All the usual uniform rules apply - correct shoes (not trainers), everyone wearing a blazer, no hoodies, no piercings.... Nothing new, just reinforcing the usual school rules.

Behaviour on the school buses:  We have had some issues with behaviour on the transport that we provide to help students reach our school from Blackburn and Preston and we have had to ban several students from the buses, which is very inconvenient for their families.  So that everyone is clear about expectations and sanctions there is a policy for behaviour on the buses on our website at https://www.waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk/parents/transport.  If your child travels by school bus, please talk to them about this issue; it isn't difficult, we just expect passengers to sit sensibly in their seats during the journey!  

Reminder: All lessons are on Teams:  We have been doing this for ages, but some families are not aware - all resources for all lessons are on Teams each day.  This means that students can study if they cannot be in school for some reason and can catch up if they miss any lessons, as well as being able to go back over anything that they did not understand and being an excellent resource for revision.  If your son or daughter says they can't find the resources then tell them to go to "Files" and "Class Materials" on each of their class teams.  All homework continues to be set via Classcharts so you can see what has been set.  Any problems with this please email ictsupport@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk or classcharts@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk

Year 11: Now that mock exams are completed we will be letting everyone know about the plans going through to June - this information will be communicated to parents, carers and students next week.  Please be aware that Year 11 parents' & carers' evening is on Wednesday 19th Jan - it is really important that we meet the parent or carer of each student to discuss next steps so please put this date in your diary.  Details will follow early next week.

Have a very good New Year and I look forward to seeing everyone back over the next week....

Best wishes

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates