17 December 2021

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers - Friday 17 December 2021

We have reached the end of a busy term! Year 7 have very successfully completed their first term at secondary school; Year 8 have had their first relatively "normal" term in high school after a disrupted year last year; Year 9 are working hard and heading towards their options choices; Year 10 have had a really successful start to their GCSE courses and Year 11 have been outstanding in their attitude to their mock examinations.  We are a calm, kind, stable place and, in many ways, we are stronger now than we were before the pandemic began.  We do not know what the pandemic will bring over the coming weeks and months, but we will continue to work together to rationally and calmly solve the problems that face us day by day so that we can continue to give your son or daughter the very best possible education.  

All years

  • The government has announced that Covid testing will be reintroduced in January and therefore we will be having a staggered start for all students to enable testing to take place.  It follows the pattern that we used in September:  Tuesday, 4th January - years 11 & 7; Wednesday, 5th January - years 10 & 8 (together with years 11 & 7); Thursday, 6th January - year 9 (together with years 11, 10, 8 & 7).  
  • Appointment of Governors - Following the governor election process, we can confirm that Mrs Rogerson will be appointed as Parent Governor and Ms Blackledge will continue as a Co-opted Governor. 
  • School is physically closed until 4th January so any phone messages will not be picked up until 8am that morning.
  • E-scooters:  Should your child receive an e-scooter over Christmas, please be aware that they are not allowed on school premises.
  • Winter Reading!  As students enjoy a well-earned break, please remind them to do some reading.  It is both enjoyable and useful to helping them to make progress at school.  If they are looking for recommendations, they can access e-Platform online library.  They can use their normal 365 logins.  There is also a Reading Advent Calendar which can be completed - even though Advent is coming to an end.  

Year 7

  • Interim reports have been emailed out - if you have not received a copy, please contact school with your email address.
  • Parent/carer involvement:  We are very grateful for the ways in which parents and carers contribute towards the life of Walton-le-Dale.  We have a panel of parents/carers who provide their opinions on teaching and learning - you provide your opinions online via questionnaires (currently 6 times per year).  We currently do not have a parent or carer from Year 7 on that panel. If you are interested in helping in this capacity, please contact head@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk.

Year 8 

  • Please see the email from Mrs McClelland regarding set changes which reflect students' academic and pastoral needs.

Year 9

  • Please be aware that Year 9 will have examinations in Maths and Humanities (History, Geography and RE) in lessons during the week beginning 10th January. 

Years 10 and 11

  • National Apprenticeship week 7th - 13th February 2022 - virtual information sessions - please see email from Miss Royal.

Year 11

  • ICT students - please see email sent out regarding extra revision sessions.
  • Payment can now be made on parentpay for your child's year 11 Leaver's Hoodie at a cost of £22.

Many thanks for your support over the last few months - it is much appreciated.  Please can I wish you and all you care for a very happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.  I look forward to seeing everyone back in January!

Best wishes

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates