4 November 2021
Good afternoon,
We are very pleased to say that the number of COVID cases has reduced in school, which is very good news. We are still asking everyone to be careful and considerate at this time, but the restrictions that Public Health placed upon us are easing.
We have had issues with highly unpleasant videos about staff being posted on TikTok over the last couple of days. This is a "craze" that is affecting lots of schools locally and nationally. I have made the point to all students this morning that it is harassment and bullying and we do not tolerate it, whether the target is students or staff. Several of the videos are highly defamatory and completely unacceptable. We have involved national safeguarding agencies and the police and I am grateful to the very large number of students who have come forward with the information and expressions of support. Please strongly advise your son or daughter not to get involved in this.
All years
- What are students learning now? If you want to see what your son or daughter is learning this half-term, as well as seeing what they have learned previously, all the information is on our website. This may be particularly useful to parents/carers of Year 11 students as we run in towards mock examinations.
- Message from Mrs Gorrill, Attendance Officer - ATTENDANCE - Please make sure you contact school every day that your child is absent, with the reason for the absence. If your child's absence is due to COVID-19, please give the date they will be expected back in school. Should your child have a medical appointment, please inform the school in advance, and send evidence of their appointment to: attendance@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk Thank you for your cooperation.
- Online Safety Newsletter Nov21 - this is on the website here.
- Blackburn Super 1's cricket sessions - contact details on flyer here
- Poppies - We have started selling poppies in school with a minimum donation of 20p should your child with to buy one. These will be on sale up until next Thursday break time. We will also be observing the two minute's silence for Armistace Day.
- Reminder - Nasal flu vaccination e-consent link: If you would like your child to receive the nasal flu vaccine in school please follow this link to complete an online consent form https://www.nhsimms.uk/FLU/information?Id=119743&Type=FLU. The vaccinations will take place in school on Friday, 19th November. Please note the link will close on Tuesday, 9th November. If your child has already had the Nasal Flu vaccine since September 2021 please disregard this message. If you have any problems accessing the link or require further information, please telephone 0333 358 3397, option 3. Kind regards, Immunisation team.
Year 9 - YEAR 9 DTP/ACWY VACCINATION PROGRAMME: The nurses will be visiting school in the new year to vaccinate Year 9 pupils for DTP and Meningitis ACWY. Please follow this link https://www.nhsimms.uk/TDIPVACWY/information?Id=119743&Type=TDIPVACWY, at your earliest convenience, to complete the green YES form to consent to the vaccination or the red NO form if you do not want your child to receive the vaccine. The link will close on 30th November 2021. Thank you, Immunisation Team. Tel : 0333 358 3397 Option 3 Option 1
Years 9 to 11: Opportunities for Year's 9 -11 - Virtual Healthcare Careers Webinars - https://sites.google.com/view/cchealthcare
Year 10 - Reminder from Miss Royal, Careers Coordinator - The deadline for Work Experience Self placement forms is Monday 6th December 2021- thank you to those who have already handed these in. Any problems please let me know - k.royal@waltonledale.lancs.sch.uk
Years 10 and 11: Opportunities for Years 10 and/or 11 - College Tasters: Burnley College - Specialist Programmes - https://www.burnley.ac.uk/sixth-form-home/programmes/
Year 11 mock examinations - These begin during the week beginning 29th November. Year 11 had a virtual briefing about them earlier this week and the timetable will be issued in the next week or so.
Have a good weekend,
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates