29 October 2021
Good afternoon,
I hope that all our students have managed to have a chance to relax a bit over the past week and are ready to return at the normal time on Monday morning. There are a number of practical announcements and reminders for the coming week, as usual....
All Years:
- Bike helmets & lights: As someone who cycles to school each day I am delighted to see the increased number of students who arrive by bike. I am also very aware, as a cyclist and driver, of the need for cyclists to wear a helmet and to have bright lights, particularly at this time of year. Please ensure that your son or daughter has a helmet and lights for their safety if they are cycling to school.
- COVID: We are hopeful that the number of cases will have reduced over the half-term break. Following the Public Health guidance we strongly recommend that students (and staff) wear face coverings in communal spaces such as corridors.
- Lates: We have a number of phonecalls each week from families who are late dropping their child at school and who are asking for them to be exempt from the customary break detention for latecomers. In general, if a student is late then they will be in break detention, unless it is as a result of an emergency or unless it is due to one of the school buses being late.
- Piercings: Please remind your son or daughter that no piercings (including clear piercings) will be allowed from Monday 1st November.
- Reading Age reports: These have been emailed out during the last week of term. Please contact school if you have not received a copy
Reminder - Nasal flu vaccination e-consent link: If you would like your child to receive the nasal flu vaccine in school please follow this link to complete an online consent form https://www.nhsimms.uk/FLU/information?Id=119743&Type=FLU. The vaccinations will take place at school on Friday, 19th November. Please note the link will close on Tuesday, 9th November. If your child has already had the Nasal Flu vaccine since September 2021 please disregard this message. If you have any problems accessing the link please telephone 0333 358 3397, option 3. Kind regards, Immunisation team.
Years 7 & 8
- Maths week 8th November - please see the letter on the website here.
Year 7
- Reminder for Hothersall Lodge - today is the last day for payment via parentpay.
Year 11
- BTEC Students - a letter was emailed out during the last week of half term and a copy can be found on our website here.
I am really looking forward to seeing everyone back on Monday morning....
Best wishes
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates