1 October 2021

Image of WLD Update for Parents & Carers - Friday 1st October 2021

Good afternoon,

It has been a wet and windy week!  It has been lovely to show families of Year 6s around this morning and I was very grateful that the rain had eased.  If you are aware of any parents/carers of Year 6 children who have been unable to book onto the open evening or the tours, please ask them to give us a ring or an email and we will sort out a suitable time for them to come round.

All Parents

  • Thank you if you have completed the covid19 consent form but in case you haven't, please can they be filled in as soon as possible and returned to school by next Wednesday, 6th October. Vaccinations will take place in school on Friday, 8th October.  A copy can also be found on our website together with the guidance here.  
  • Our attendance increased slightly to 87% (not including COVID absence) this week, but still well below what we would normally expect.  As I said last week, please be aware of the current government & NHS guidance - students do not have to self-isolate as they are under 18.  Please ensure that your son or daughter attends school if at all possible.
  • Please be aware that detentions can be set for any afternoon of the week.  We only run late buses on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the moment to support extra-curricular clubs and sport - they are only available for students in detention by coincidence.  If your son or daughter has a detention on other days of the week, and usually travels by school bus, you will need to arrange for their transport home yourself.  
  • Blackburn College are running some courses here in school and some of their staff will be joining us this Wednesday, 6th October to provide information and guidance to introduce a range of FREE adult training opportunities to you. You will find the leaflet about this on our website here.
  • Assemblies this week will discuss the sensitive topic of sexual harassment - please see the letter about it from Mrs Sweeney on the website here.

Years 8, 9, 10, 11: Notice to all students issued with a DFE laptop: We are asking all those students who have been issued with a DFE laptop during both lockdowns to return them to school as soon as possible.  This is to enable Mr Harvey to carry out necessary software upgrades as we have been notified the laptops will cease to work after 30th September.  We are asking parents to return the laptops with the student's name taped to it.  We will then inform parents once they have been upgraded and are ready to collect from school (hopefully within 7-10 days). Thank you to those who have already returned them.

Year 8: Anderton Centre Trip - Friday, 22nd October  - Information is available on our website here 

Year 7: 

  • It is "Settling In Evening" next Wednesday (6th October) for Year 7.  Tickets are available via Eventbrite for the 4pm and 5pm sessions.
  • We are looking forward to the Hothersall Lodge trip in November - payments need making by the 22nd October, please.  Letters are on our website here

Have a good weekend,

James Harris


Posted by James Harris

Category: WLD Updates