26 September 2021
Whole School CPD Focus: |
Re-establishing good behaviour and relationships |
Walkthru Cluster: |
Walkthru: |
‘Choices and Consequences’ (page 40) plus the Teacher Workbook
Starting Point (3 minutes) |
Since returning to school, teachers and teaching assistants have been working hard to re-establish effective behaviour within their classrooms and relationships with students, recognising that behaviour and relationships allow effective teaching and learning to happen. Classroom routines and expectations are reinforced by the WLD Basics (supported by logging on Classcharts) – an agreed set of rules for various levels of inappropriate behaviour.
For this week’s reflection, we consider the domain of the classroom in more depth. Schools have behaviour policies and systems in place; however, it is down to the teacher (or teaching assistant) in the classroom to use the system and apply the policy effectively to secure excellent behaviour. In this WalkThru, Sherrington places emphasis on the significance of students making the right choices in full knowledge of the consequences of the choices they make. Like previous WalkThrus – and this is why they make sense – Sherrington spends time on the ‘rehearsal’ element of our (and indeed, student) behaviour.
When writing an academic response, an element of modelling and rehearsal is expected to demonstrate the skills and the standard of answer anticipated. I do-We do-You do. Why not do this with behaviour and expectations too? Sherrington suggests that ‘All students must know the range of consequences.’ Consequences must be crystal clear. And crucially, he works on the principle that ‘if students choose to misbehave, they choose to receive the consequence.’
So, how does this work in the classroom? How might language be adapted to follow this principle? The first rule is to reinforce using language of choice: “James, either face forwards, concentrating on your work, or you will have a 30 minute detention.” “Jessica, either follow the safety rules or you will receive a phone call home.”
The second rule is to give a reason when setting a consequence: When setting a consequence, explain why. “Rachel, you’ve continued to talk after the warning, which disrupts our learning, so you now have a detention after school.”
The third rule is to ensure that all consequences are actionable. Students have to be certain that, ‘certain behaviours will lead to consequences’. If the consequences are not issued, then you will be undermined.
Finally, and most importantly in the interest of establishing effective behaviour and relationships is fairness. In order for learners to view the teacher as credible, evenhandedness and consistency are key. Again, teachers are undermined by issuing sanctions too liberally and this will ultimately damage the positive culture with the classroom.
In the first Teaching and Learning Digest of the academic year, Bill Rogers was cited: ‘we establish what we establish’. By dissecting classroom practice in minute detail, teachers are able to take full control and to ensure that teaching and learning is of the highest standard.
CPD Cascade |
CPD Log – Electronic Version via OneNote (JMJ)JMJ has kindly created an e-version of the CPD folder. It is available in the ASPIRE CPD Team (or click below) Teachers - ASPIRE CPD Teachers Notebook TAs - ASPIRE CPD Teaching Assistants Notebook There is a channel for teachers and a channel for teaching assistants. A video tutorial of how to access is available here
There is a channel for Teachers and one for TAs.
Show-me Boards (SPI)www.diagnosticquestions.com Useful website for multiple choice questions for different subjects. Perfect for Whiteboards and checking understanding. The wrong answers aren't just 'wrong' they're common misconceptions, so it opens a good discussion point.
RSE (RSW)Webinar
It will be run by a woman who is highly thought of in the Sex Education world, can I offer it to those members of staff who will be teaching RSE this academic year |
Posted by Rachel Long
Category: Teaching and Learning Digests