5 March 2021
Good afternoon,
We are very much looking forward to seeing everyone back in the course of the next week! It will be wonderful to have school back, even with the restrictions that have to be in place to ensure safety.
Practicalities: Please make sure that you have checked the list of practicalities sent out earlier this week.
Safety: A special reminder about bringing face coverings and a pack of wipes - these are both important for everyone's safety;
Video messages: There are 4 video messages about our return to school - if you haven't seen them, please have a look
- Dates of return and COVID testing
- Safety on return to school
- Practicalities for our return to school
- Every student moving forward
The day starts with form time from next week which will be a step towards normality - all students can find their form on Classcharts and their form tutor & room on the website. We will get everyone with consent tested as quickly as possible each day.
Key worker and vulnerable student provision: This continues next week. Students are to go to their form first and then to their normal lessons.
Year 11 Parents' and Carers' evening on Wed 17th March: Bookings open at 9am on Monday 8th March and close at 4pm on Wed 17th March (half an hour before the event starts). Instructions have been emailed out and are on the website.
Best wishes and have a good weekend,
James Harris
Posted by James Harris
Category: WLD Updates